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如何访问 Luis 中的实体值

[英]How to access the entity value in Luis

I want to print the value of the entity that is already defined in the Luis portal, I already printed the TopIntent but I need to access the entity and print the value of it我想打印已在 Luis 门户中定义的实体的值,我已经打印了 TopIntent 但我需要访问该实体并打印它的值

As per MS doc :根据MS 文档

You can get entity and subentities, for example:您可以获得实体和子实体,例如:

modelObject = client.model.get_entity(app_id, versionId, modelId)
toppingQuantityId = get_grandchild_id(modelObject, "Toppings", "Quantity")
pizzaQuantityId = get_grandchild_id(modelObject, "Pizza", "Quantity")

If you want to get the prediction from the runtime, for example:如果您想从运行时获取预测,例如:

# Production == slot name
predictionRequest = { "query" : "I want two small pepperoni pizzas with more salsa" }

predictionResponse = clientRuntime.prediction.get_slot_prediction(app_id, "Production", predictionRequest)
print("Top intent: {}".format(predictionResponse.prediction.top_intent))
print("Sentiment: {}".format (predictionResponse.prediction.sentiment))
print("Intents: ")

for intent in predictionResponse.prediction.intents:
    print("\t{}".format (json.dumps (intent)))
print("Entities: {}".format (predictionResponse.prediction.entities))

You can refer to How to extract entity from Microsoft LUIS using python?您可以参考How to extract entity from Microsoft LUIS using python?

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