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在 Thonny IDE 的 CLI bot 中导入 picamera2 工作

[英]Importing picamera2 works in CLI bot in Thonny IDE

I have successfully installed picamera2 using this tutorial and I am able to run a script just fine from CLI.我已经使用本教程成功安装了 picamera2,并且可以从 CLI 运行脚本。 The script:剧本:

from picamera2.picamera2 import *
from time import sleep

picam2 = Picamera2()


config = picam2.preview_configuration()


And I run it in terminal python script_name.py and it works as it should.我在终端python script_name.py中运行它,它可以正常工作。 But when I run it in Thonny IDE the script returns:但是当我在 Thonny IDE 中运行它时,脚本返回:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'picamera2' ModuleNotFoundError:没有名为“picamera2”的模块

To my knowledge I have set the default interpreter in Thonny \usr\bin\python3 and tried also with \usr\bin\python3.9 and \usr\bin\python - they all seem to point to python version 3.9.2 - which is also the version displayed in terminal when running python -V or python3 -V .据我所知,我已经在 Thonny \usr\bin\python3中设置了默认解释器,并尝试了\usr\bin\python3.9\usr\bin\python - 它们似乎都指向 python 版本 3.9.2 - 其中也是运行python -Vpython3 -V时终端中显示的版本。 What am I missing or doing incorrectly?我错过了什么或做错了什么?

sudo apt install python3-picamera2

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