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如何在 NavigationView 中以编程方式更改 MenuItem 的标题?

[英]How can I change MenuItem's title programatically inside NavigationView?

I successfully implemented in my app a "side menu" with NavigationView and creating a custom ActionBar, following the instructions within this tutorial .我按照本教程中的说明成功地在我的应用程序中实现了带有 NavigationView 的“侧面菜单”并创建了自定义 ActionBar。 It looks like this:它看起来像这样:


That's great, it works... it opens by "hamburger" button in ActionBar and by sliding finger left to right;太好了,它有效……它通过 ActionBar 中的“汉堡包”按钮和从左向右滑动手指打开; I can attach functionality to those options.我可以将功能附加到这些选项。 But, I'd like to change options title dinamically , by Java. About that, I found some other StackOverflow question and tried implementing the solution in the answer.但是,我想通过 Java 动态更改选项标题。关于这个,我发现了一些其他 StackOverflow 问题并尝试在答案中实施解决方案。 The result was... unexpected, but curious:结果是......出乎意料,但很好奇:

I override onPrepareOptionsMenu in MainActivity :我在MainActivity中覆盖onPrepareOptionsMenu

public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main_menu, menu);
    MenuItem option3 = menu.findItem(R.id.nav_option3);
    option3.setTitle("Option3 -> " + option3_cnt + " elements");
    MenuItem option4 = menu.findItem(R.id.nav_option4);
    option4.setTitle("Option4 -> " + option4_cnt + " elements");

    return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);

What this actually did, was creating a copy of the NavigationView menu, but in a "three-dot button" at the right side of ActionBar (that button wasn't there before implementing onPrepareOptionsMenu , BTW).这实际上做了什么,是创建NavigationView菜单的副本,但是在 ActionBar 右侧的“三点按钮”中(顺便说一句,在实现onPrepareOptionsMenu之前该按钮不存在)。 And yes, it shows the counters;是的,它显示了计数器; but the idea was doing exactly that thing, but with the "side menu" of the NavigationView, instead of that old-fashioned "options menu".但是这个想法正是在做那件事,但是使用 NavigationView 的“侧面菜单”,而不是那个老式的“选项菜单”。 How can I achieve that?我怎样才能做到这一点?

By the way, MenuItem s have a XML structure like this within main_menu.xml :顺便说一句, MenuItem在 main_menu.xml 中有一个main_menu.xml结构:

    android:title="Option3" />
    android:title="Option4" />

I'd like, perhaps, to add more elements to the MenuItem s themselves;也许,我想向MenuItem本身添加更多元素; so I could place the counter in some kind of "custom layout" attached to the MenuItem or something like that... but for now, I conform with attaching the count to the title itself.所以我可以将计数器放在某种附加到MenuItem或类似东西的“自定义布局”中......但是现在,我同意将计数附加到标题本身。

You can just get the menu from NavigationView & do the findItem to get access to MenuItem which then you can use to setTitle .您只需从NavigationView获取菜单并执行findItem即可访问MenuItem ,然后您可以使用它来设置setTitle


    // your navigationView
    NavigationView navigationView = findViewById(R.id.navigation_view);
    // item you want to change, choose your id here
    MenuItem menuItem = navigationView.getMenu().findItem(R.id.nav_gallery);
    menuItem.setTitle("Changed at runtime");

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