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带有 actionLayout 的 NavigationView 菜单项。 如何为每个项目设置这些动作布局的属性?

[英]NavigationView menu items with actionLayout. How can I set those action layout's attribute for each item?

Following this answer , I learned how to add extra views to the NavigationView 's menu items, by adding an action layout .按照这个答案,我学习了如何通过添加action layout来向NavigationView的菜单项添加额外的视图。 My question is, esentially, how can I tweak each of those individual actionLayout s dinamically, through Java?我的问题是,基本上,我如何通过 Java 动态地调整每个actionLayout

In my case, instead of adding a "switch" to the menu items, I used actionLayout s to add a extra icon, that will show a state for that item.就我而言,我没有向菜单项添加“开关”,而是使用actionLayout添加了一个额外的图标,该图标将显示该项目的 state。 It's a boolean state, so I want to show the difference either by changing the extra icon dinamically, or either toggling visibility.这是一个 boolean state,所以我想通过动态更改额外图标或切换可见性来显示差异。

So, I have a menu.xml like this one for my NavigationView :所以,我的NavigationView有一个menu.xml像这个:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

    <group android:id="@+id/menu_group"
        android:checkableBehavior="single" >
            android:title="OPTION 1" />
            android:title="OPTION 2" />
        <!-- etc. -->

...and my myflag_actionlayout.xml file: ...和我的myflag_actionlayout.xml文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

        app:srcCompat="@android:drawable/ic_lock_idle_lock" />

So, it looks like this more or less:所以,它或多或少看起来像这样:


Now I wonder: how can I get each of those menu item's instances, access to their <ImageView> instance from Java and change each lockedIcon 's ImageView depending on a boolean variable?现在我想知道:如何获取每个菜单项的实例,从 Java 访问它们的<ImageView>实例并根据 Z84E2C64F38F78BA3EA5C905ABZA 变量更改每个lockedIconImageView (For instance, toggling the ImageView 's visible attribute, or changing the image for app:srcCompat attribute) Should I use some findViewById(R.id.lockedIcon) for this task, or is it a bad idea and I should do it another way? (例如,切换ImageView的可见属性,或更改app:srcCompat属性的图像)我是否应该为此任务使用一些findViewById(R.id.lockedIcon) ,或者这是一个坏主意,我应该再做一次方法?


Just now I recall, I already did something similar to access those " NavigationView items" by Java, and add a string to the counter editing the title:刚才我记得,我已经做了类似的事情来访问 Java 的那些“ NavigationView项目”,并在编辑标题的计数器中添加一个字符串:

NavigationView nav_v = findViewById(R.id.navigation_view);
MenuItem nav_option1 = nav_v.getMenu().findItem(R.id.menu_item1);
nav_option1.setTitle(getString(R.string.nav_option1_title) + " -> " + some_counter);

Maybe i can from nav_option1 invoke some method to access it's action layout?也许我可以从nav_option1调用一些方法来访问它的动作布局?

Good.好的。 @ianhanniballake 's suggested method worked like a charm: If I do this: @ianhanniballake 的建议方法就像一个魅力:如果我这样做:

NavigationView nav_v = findViewById(R.id.navigation_view);
MenuItem nav_option1 = nav_v.getMenu().findItem(R.id.menu_item1);
ImageView option1_lock_icon = nav_option1.getActionView().findViewById(R.id.lockedIcon);

And from there, I could do whatever I want with this ImageView :从那里,我可以用这个ImageView做任何我想做的事情:

// Toggle visibility approach
if (item_locked) {
} else {

// Change icon approach
string uri = "";
if (item_locked) {
    uri = "@android:drawable/ic_lock_idle_lock";
} else {
    uri = "@android:drawable/ic_menu_view";
int imageResource = getResources()

Also, it looks like I can do more or less the same with any object I add to those "action layouts".此外,看起来我可以或多或少地对我添加到那些“动作布局”的任何 object 做同样的事情。 :-) :-)

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