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将 Kube.netes 从本地迁移到 AWS EKS

[英]Migrate Kubernetes from on-premise to AWS EKS

In my organization, I need to migrate the Kube.netes cluster from on-premise to AWS EKS.在我的组织中,我需要将 Kube.netes 集群从本地迁移到 AWS EKS。 Can someone please tell me how I can do this?有人可以告诉我该怎么做吗?

There are many ways and things to consider however you have to ask a board questions so will write an answer accordingly.有很多方法和事情需要考虑,但是您必须向董事会提问,因此会相应地写下答案。

You can use the tool velero to migrate the internal components of the Kube.netes cluster.您可以使用工具velero来迁移 Kube.netes 集群的内部组件。

Velero: https://velero.io/维莱罗:https://velero.io/

While other all things you have to consider of migrating Databases using DMS, Storage option like PV and PVC or NFS that used with on-prem K8s.在使用 DMS 迁移数据库时,您必须考虑其他所有事情,存储选项如 PV 和 PVC 或与本地 K8s 一起使用的 NFS。

That's quite broad question.这是一个相当广泛的问题。 It can have many approaches & flavours based on organisation needs.根据组织的需要,它可以有多种方法和风格。

One of the approach is to其中一种方法是

  1. Standup the eks cluster based on the needs of the workload you are going to run.根据您要运行的工作负载的需要,启动 eks 集群。 Note that EKS can also be deployed in to flavours as managed nodes & other as serverless.请注意,EKS 也可以部署为托管节点和其他无服务器版本。
  2. Setup the authentication & authorisation model for users & admins for eks cluster.为 eks 集群的用户和管理员设置身份验证和授权 model。
  3. Defined strategy to how & when to migrate load to EKS.定义了如何以及何时将负载迁移到 EKS 的策略。

Very important note is you must gather all NFRs for your cluster & create a plan to how to full fill those requirements before you start on the above.非常重要的一点是,您必须为您的集群收集所有 NFR,并在开始上述操作之前制定一个计划来说明如何完全满足这些要求。

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