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Python:.networkx 自定义图形节点标签?

[英]Python: networkx customize graph node labels?

I have the following example code:我有以下示例代码:

import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def view_graph(graph, labels):
        Plots the graph
    pos = nx.spring_layout(graph)

    nx.draw(graph, pos, with_labels=True)
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, pos,edge_labels=labels)

index_to_name = {1: "Paul", 2: "Magda", 3: "Paul", 4: "Anna", 5: "Marie", 6: "John", 7: "Mark"}
relation = {}
g = nx.DiGraph()

g.add_edge(1, 4)
relation[(1,4)] = "dad"
g.add_edge(2, 4)
relation[(2,4)] = "mom"

g.add_edge(1, 5)
relation[(1,5)] = "dad"
g.add_edge(2, 5)
relation[(2,5)] = "mom"

g.add_edge(3, 6)
relation[(1,6)] = "dad"
g.add_edge(4, 6)
relation[(2,6)] = "mom"

g.add_edge(3, 7)
relation[(1,7)] = "dad"
g.add_edge(4, 7)
relation[(2,7)] = "mom"

view_graph(g, relation)

My illustration window eg looks like that:我的插图 window 例如: 在此处输入图像描述

I have two problems and don't really know how to solve that:我有两个问题,真的不知道如何解决:

  1. Is their a possibility to show the names from the dictionary index_to_name in the illustration instead of the indexes I introduce to ensure unique nodes (in the dictionary the name Paul occurs two times and so the name "Paul" should have two nodes).他们是否有可能在插图中显示字典index_to_name中的名称而不是我引入的索引以确保唯一节点(在字典中名称 Paul 出现两次,因此名称“Paul”应该有两个节点)。
  2. How can I fix the problem with the edge labels marked in the illustration with red rectangles.我如何解决图中用红色矩形标记的边缘标签的问题。 My aim is to add these labels so its clear which edge is being referenced?我的目标是添加这些标签,以便清楚地知道引用了哪条边?

I hope you can help me with this two problems.我希望你能帮我解决这两个问题。

W.r.t. W.r.t. problem 1), you would set with_labels to False (or simply omit the argument), and then add a function call to nx.draw.networkx_labels :问题 1),您可以将with_labels设置为 False(或简单地省略参数),然后添加对nx.draw.networkx_labels的 function 调用:


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

def view_graph(graph, node_labels, edge_labels):
        Plots the graph
    pos = nx.spring_layout(graph)
    nx.draw(graph, pos, node_color='lightgray')
    nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos, labels=node_labels)
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)

index_to_name = {1: "Paul", 2: "Magda", 3: "Paul", 4: "Anna", 5: "Marie", 6: "John", 7: "Mark"}

relation = {}
relation[(1, 4)] = "dad"
relation[(2, 4)] = "mom"
relation[(1, 5)] = "dad"
relation[(2, 5)] = "mom"
relation[(3, 6)] = "dad"
relation[(4, 6)] = "mom"
relation[(3, 7)] = "dad"
relation[(4, 7)] = "mom"

g = nx.from_edgelist(relation, nx.DiGraph())

view_graph(g, index_to_name, relation)

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