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在 R 中将年中的某一天分成月份和月份的日期列

[英]Separate day of year into month and day of month columns in R

For simplicity, I have data that has two columns.为简单起见,我的数据有两列。 One column is the year (year) and the other is the number of days (yday).一列是年份(year),另一列是天数(yday)。 So year with a value of 1980 and yday with a value of 1 is January 1, 1980. Year with a value of 1980 and yday with a value of 365 is December 31, 1980. How do I separate the single yday column into two columns;因此,值为 1980 的年份和值为 1 的 yday 为 1980 年 1 月 1 日。值为 1980 的年份和值为 365 的 yday 为 1980 年 12 月 31 日。如何将单个 yday 列分成两列; a month column and the day of the month column?月份列和月份列的日期? For example, 365 would be 12 for the month and 31 for the day.例如,365 表示月份为 12,日为 31。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

Create a Date from the yday + year columns, then extract the day of month, and month separately:yday + year列创建一个 Date,然后分别提取月中的日期和月份:

dat <- data.frame(year=1980, yday=c(1,365))

#  year yday
#1 1980    1
#2 1980  365

dat[c("month","day")] <- lapply(c("%m","%d"), \(x) {
  d <- as.Date(paste(dat$year, dat$yday), format="%Y %j")
  as.integer(format(d, x)) 
#  year yday month day
#1 1980    1     1   1
#2 1980  365    12  30

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