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如何用 React Native 实现 TextInputLayout?

[英]How to implement TextInputLayout with React Native?


Not long after I started RN, the UI designer asked me to implement this effect, and I was upset刚入手RN没多久,UI设计师让我实现这个效果,我很不爽

Please check this example using iOS or Android emulators.请使用 iOS 或 Android 模拟器检查此示例 You can change any style in here because all the styles are customizable and you can use this as a customized text input component in your project.您可以在此处更改任何样式,因为所有 styles 都是可自定义的,您可以将其用作项目中的自定义文本输入组件。 By the way if your UI designer prefers material UI for the project, you can use directly TextInput component from react-native-paper library.顺便说一下,如果您的 UI 设计师更喜欢项目的材质 UI,您可以直接使用react-native-paper库中的TextInput组件。 But it cannot be customized as this example.但不能像本例那样自定义。

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