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使用 `string_agg` 在 BigQuery SQL 中创建一个包含另一个连接的唯一元素的新列

[英]Create a new column containing the concatenated unique elements of another in BigQuery SQL, using `string_agg`

Given the following data:给定以下数据:

WITH abc AS 
  SELECT 1234 id, 'Aug' month, 'P' value UNION ALL
  SELECT 1234, 'Sept', 'P' UNION ALL
  SELECT 4567, 'Sept', 'D' 
FROM abc

Which looks as:看起来像:


I'd like to create a new column values which contains all values from the value columns.我想创建一个新列values ,其中包含value列中的所有值。

So for this example data the new column would contain P, D .因此,对于此示例数据,新列将包含P, D

Having done this the output would be (I've just written this out in Excel):完成此操作后,output 将是(我刚刚用 Excel 将其写出来):


I tried to do this as follows:我尝试按如下方式执行此操作:

WITH abc AS 
    SELECT 1234 id, 'Aug' month, 'P' value 
    SELECT 1234, 'Sept', 'P' 
    SELECT 4567, 'Sept', 'D' 
    STRING_AGG(distinct value, " & ") as str_agg
FROM abc

But I get this error:但我收到此错误:

SELECT list expression references column month which is neither grouped nor aggregated at [7:5] SELECT 列表表达式引用列月份,它既没有分组也没有聚合在 [7:5]

I'm not sure how to aggregate/group the value column in order to satisfy this error.我不确定如何聚合/分组value列以满足此错误。

Use below在下面使用

select * 
from abc, (
  select string_agg(distinct value, ', ') values
  from abc

if applied to sample data in your question - output is如果应用于您问题中的示例数据 - output 是


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