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如何使用 SQL 在表中创建一个新列以仅显示来自另一列的特定数据?

[英]How can I create a new column in a table to show only specific data from another column using SQL?

I am trying to figure out how to create a new column in a table that will be labelled as Release_Year and that will only show the year that each movie was released.我想弄清楚如何在表中创建一个新列,该列将被标记为 Release_Year,并且只会显示每部电影的发行年份。


I have not attempted to run a query as I do not know where to begin.我没有尝试运行查询,因为我不知道从哪里开始。

You need to add a new column of type int.您需要添加一个新的 int 类型的列。

ALTER TABLE `projectID.datasetID.movie_table`
ADD COLUMN Release_Year int64;

Then you need to fill the column with values, you can do this using a merge statement.然后您需要用值填充该列,您可以使用merge语句来完成此操作。 We also use a group by to ensure we have unique mappings.我们还使用 group by 来确保我们拥有唯一的映射。

merge into `projectID.datasetID.movie_table` as target_table
using (
extract(year from release_date) as release_year
group by
release_year) as mapping
mapping.movie_title = target_table.movie_title
when matched
update set target_table.release_year = mapping.release_year

This is untested but the general idea should work.这是未经测试的,但总体思路应该可行。


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