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C# 中的密码哈希 sha256

[英]password hashing sha256 in c#

I had created a WinForms application with a login system in vs 2019, and now I want to hash the password entered by the user before storing it in the database.我在 vs 2019 中创建了一个带有登录系统的 WinForms 应用程序,现在我想在将用户输入的密码存储到数据库之前对其进行哈希处理。 But it will exist three errors:但是会存在三个错误:


public static string getHash(string source)
        using (SHA256 sha256Hash = SHA256.Create())
            string hash = getsha256Hash(sha256Hash, source);
            return getsha256Hash(sha256Hash, source);
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
private static string GenerateHash(string toHash)
    var crypt = new SHA256Managed();
    string hash = String.Empty;
    byte[] crypto = crypt.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(toHash));
    foreach (byte theByte in crypto)
        hash += theByte.ToString("x2");
    return hash;

I once solved this problem like this)).我曾经像这样解决过这个问题))。

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