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如何使用@pnp/pnpjs 库从 SharePoint 在线列表中获取超过 5000 个项目?

[英]How to fetch more than 5000 item from SharePoint Online list using @pnp/pnpjs library?

I am using SharePoint Online.我正在使用 SharePoint 在线。 I am using "@pnp/pnpjs" library to get data from the SharePoint Online list.我正在使用“@pnp/pnpjs”库从 SharePoint 在线列表中获取数据。

I have created a SharePoint list that contains more than 5000 items.我创建了一个包含 5000 多个项目的 SharePoint 列表。

How can I get all list items using the get function from @pnp/pnpjs library?如何使用 @pnp/pnpjs 库中的 get function 获取所有列表项?

How can I filter items based on the condition while getting data from the SharePoint online list using @pnp/pnpjs library?在使用@pnp/pnpjs 库从 SharePoint 在线列表获取数据时,如何根据条件过滤项目?


Using the items collection's getAll method you can get all of the items in a list regardless of the size of the list.使用项目集合的 getAll 方法,您可以获得列表中的所有项目,而不管列表的大小。 Sample usage is shown below.示例用法如下所示。 Only the odata operations top, select, and filter are supported.仅支持odata操作top、select、filter。 usingCaching and inBatch are ignored - you will need to handle caching the results on your own. usingCaching 和 inBatch 将被忽略 - 您将需要自己处理缓存结果。 This method will write a warning to the Logger and should not frequently be used.此方法将向 Logger 写入警告,不应经常使用。 Instead the standard paging operations should be used.相反,应该使用标准的分页操作。

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import "@pnp/sp/lists";
import "@pnp/sp/items";
import "@pnp/sp/items/get-all";

const sp = spfi(...);

// basic usage
const allItems: any[] = await sp.web.lists.getByTitle("BigList").items.getAll();

// set page size
const allItems: any[] = await sp.web.lists.getByTitle("BigList").items.getAll(4000);

Source: https://pnp.github.io/pnpjs/sp/items/#get-all-items来源: https://pnp.github.io/pnpjs/sp/items/#get-all-items


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