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为什么 MySQL 在此查询中不使用我的索引?

[英]Why does MySQL not use my index in this query?

create table statement:建表语句:

create table stock_master.turnover_rate_trade
    id int auto_increment
        constraint `PRIMARY`
            primary key,
    before_day int null,
    pre_day int null,
    turnover_rate double null ,
    max_rise double null ,
    keep_day int null ,
    code varchar(50) null ,
    date date null ,
    real_keep int null ,
    rate double null ,
    create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null,
    update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null,
    constraint uindex
        unique (before_day, pre_day, turnover_rate, max_rise, keep_day, code, date)

my select statement:我的 select 声明:

select id,
from turnover_rate_trade
   before_day=6 and pre_day =3 and turnover_rate=22.1 and max_rise =7.1 and keep_day=5 and 
   code='100000' and date='2022-02-02'

Execute the plan:执行计划: 在此处输入图像描述

I am not a professional dba, avoid indexes invalidation as much as possible.我不是专业的dba,尽量避免索引失效。
It is clearly written in the conditions, but doesn't work.条件里写的很清楚,就是不行。

The table data information:表数据信息:

rows: 2 hundred million
before_day: 5~29
pre_day: 0~4
keep_day: 0~29
turnover_rate: 1~23
max_rise: 1~29

evenly distributed平均分配

as suggested:按照建议:
It took me over an hour to delete and rebuild index.删除和重建索引花了我一个多小时。

create index turnover
                on turnover_rate_trade (before_day, pre_day, turnover_rate, max_rise, keep_day, code, date)

Now it works?Can someone explain?现在可以了吗?有人可以解释一下吗? 在此处输入图像描述

FLOAT or DOUBLE are approximate values, stored in binary. FLOATDOUBLE是近似值,以二进制形式存储。 22.1 is a decimal value that cannot be stored exactly in any DOUBLE . 22.1是一个无法精确存储在任何DOUBLE中的十进制值。 It is risky to test with = with a DOUBLE on one side and a non-integral decimal number on the other side.用一侧为DOUBLE而另一侧为非整数十进制数的=进行测试是有风险的。

I understand that this fails to explain why the Index was (according to the EXPLAIN ) not used.我知道这无法解释为什么未使用索引(根据EXPLAIN )。 But let's fix the comparison first.但是让我们先修复比较。

Plan A: Use some form of range test.计划 A:使用某种形式的范围测试。 (This will definitely mess up using the index.) (这肯定会弄乱使用索引。)

Plan B: switch the column to DECIMAL .计划 B:将列切换为DECIMAL (Such an ALTER will take a long time.) (这样的ALTER会花费很长时间。)

You possibly have a typo here:你这里可能有错别字:

   date        -- perhaps you wanted a comma?

Another issue... You have not specified a PRIMARY KEY (and that UNIQUE key cannot be promoted to PK due to nullability of most of its columns).另一个问题......您没有指定PRIMARY KEY (并且由于其大部分列的可空性,该UNIQUE键无法提升为 PK)。 A PK is really needed for all tables.所有表确实需要一个PK。

Suggest making columns NOT NULL where appropriate.建议在适当的地方制作列NOT NULL

Suggest adding an explicit PK.建议添加显式 PK。

(Again, I can't explain the failure to your your index.) (同样,我无法向您的索引解释失败。)

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