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如何为 UWP 项目创建 msixbundle?

[英]How do I create an msixbundle for a UWP project?

I have two xamarin.forms projects that currently only utilize the UWP platform.我有两个 xamarin.forms 项目,目前只使用 UWP 平台。 One creates msixbundles when publishing and the other creates appxbundles when publishing.一个在发布时创建 msixbundles,另一个在发布时创建 appxbundles。 I can't seem to find any key difference between the Package.appxmanifest or the uwp project files that would cause this.我似乎找不到 Package.appxmanifest 或 uwp 项目文件之间会导致此问题的任何关键区别。 I would like to make them both produce msixbundles.我想让他们都生产 msixbundles。 Does anyone know the key to creating msixbundles vs appxbundles?有谁知道创建 msixbundles 与 appxbundles 的关键?

The apps targeting Windows 1809 and newer are automatically packaged bundled as msix/msixbundle .针对 Windows 1809 及更新版本的应用程序会自动打包为msix/msixbundle And here is official release note .这是官方发行说明

We added support for creating.MSIX packages for both the Universal Windows Platform projects, as well as in the Windows Application Packaging Project template.我们为通用 Windows 平台项目以及 Windows 应用程序打包项目模板添加了对创建 .MSIX 包的支持。 To create an.MSIX package, the minimum version of your application must be the latest Windows 10 SDK (build 17763).要创建 .MSIX package,您的应用程序的最低版本必须是最新的 Windows 10 SDK (build 17763)。

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