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对于 Google Play,我可以让我的游戏要求少于 Android 12 来下载吗?

[英]For Google Play, can I have my game require less than Android 12 to download?

I have built a game for Android that I am pretty exited about and proud of.我为 Android 制作了一款游戏,我对此感到非常兴奋和自豪。 I have released it to the app store but in order to download the game it needs to have Android 12 or above.我已将它发布到应用商店,但要下载游戏,它需要 Android 12 或更高版本。 I know very few people who currently have that new of an Android phone which heavily limits my audience.我知道目前很少有人拥有 Android 手机,这严重限制了我的听众。 Is there a way that I can change the game to where it requires less than Android 12?有没有办法可以将游戏更改为需要少于 Android 12 的地方? Also the game is built in Unity if that changes anything.如果有任何改变,游戏也是在 Unity 中构建的。

Thank you, Tyrone McClanahan谢谢你,泰隆·麦克拉纳汉

Link to game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.TyMcClanahan.BoomerangBilly游戏链接: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.TyMcClanahan.BoomerangBilly

You need to update the minSdkVersion field on the AndroidManifest.xml您需要更新 AndroidManifest.xml 上的minSdkVersion字段

See https://developer.android.com/training/basics/supporting-devices/platforms请参阅https://developer.android.com/training/basics/supporting-devices/platforms

You can choose the value of minSdkVersion that matches the Android API Level that your app is compatible with.您可以选择与您的应用兼容的 Android API Level 匹配的minSdkVersion值。

Make sure not to confuse minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion .确保不要混淆minSdkVersiontargetSdkVersion The latter only configures the behaviour of the app and not the eligibility of devices for your app.后者仅配置应用程序的行为,而不配置设备是否适合您的应用程序。 See What is the difference between min SDK version/target SDK version vs. compile SDK version?请参阅最小 SDK 版本/目标 SDK 版本与编译 SDK 版本之间的区别是什么? for more details.更多细节。

You can set the Minimum API Level directly in the Unity Player Settings.您可以直接在 Unity Player Settings 中设置Minimum API Level https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-PlayerSettingsAndroid.html https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-PlayerSettingsAndroid.html

With Unity 2021 you can decrease it down to Android 5.1 , see https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/system-requirements.html使用 Unity 2021,您可以将其降低到Android 5.1 ,请参阅https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/system-requirements.html


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