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为什么我不能在 LocalApplicationData 中创建文件? C#,VS 2022,Windows 11

[英]Why can't I create a file in LocalApplicationData? C# , VS 2022, Windows 11

I know that there are restrictions to file operations, but SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData is supposed to be for application use.我知道文件操作有限制,但SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData应该供应用程序使用。

string _myFilePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "MyFile.txt"); //Line1
Console.WriteLine(_myFilePath); //Line2
Console.WriteLine(File.Exists(_myFilePath)); //Line3
Console.WriteLine(File.Create(_myFilePath)); //Line4

This is the console output:这是控制台 output:


The program stops at the 4th line and VS 2022 shows this error:程序在第 4 行停止,VS 2022 显示此错误:


How can I create or delete files/folders in SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData ?如何在SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData中创建或删除文件/文件夹? Or which folder is recommended for this kind of file/folder operations?或者对于这种文件/文件夹操作,推荐使用哪个文件夹?

Using Windows 11, VS 2022 17.2.0 Preview 5.0 and.NET 6.0 without administrator privileges:在没有管理员权限的情况下使用Windows 11、VS 2022 17.2.0 Preview 5.0和.NET 6.0:
Your code worked fine for me.你的代码对我来说很好用。

Output: Output:


But here is my suggestion:但这是我的建议:
Check the ACLs of your directory: Is your account permitted for creating new files?检查目录的 ACL:是否允许您的帐户创建新文件?
(Right-click the directory -> Properties -> Security -> Select your own user and check your permissions.) (右击目录 -> 属性 -> 安全 -> Select 你自己的用户并检查你的权限。)

Usually you should not create files directly under your %localappdata% directory.通常你不应该直接在你的%localappdata%目录下创建文件。
If you need a temp-file, I would recommend to use Path.GetTempFileName() for getting a unique file name.如果您需要临时文件,我建议使用Path.GetTempFileName()来获取唯一的文件名。
If you want to store files for a longer time, then I would recommend to create a directory for your application in %localappdata% and save the files there.如果您想将文件存储更长的时间,那么我建议您在%localappdata%中为您的应用程序创建一个目录并将文件保存在那里。


string myApplicationDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "MyApplication");
string myApplicationFile = Path.Combine(myApplicationDirectory, "myFile.txt");
if (!Directory.Exists(myApplicationDirectory)) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Creating directory: {myApplicationDirectory}");
Console.WriteLine($"File created: {myApplicationFile}");

Output: Output:

Creating directory: C:\Users\Edgar\AppData\Local\MyApplication  
File created: C:\Users\Edgar\AppData\Local\MyApplication\myFile.txt

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