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如何使用 CloudFront 分发将文件上传到后备 S3 存储?

[英]How to use CloudFront distribution to upload files to backing S3 storage?

I have a Cloudfront distribution backed by S3 storage.我有一个由 S3 存储支持的 Cloudfront 发行版。 CloudFront supports POST content-uploads as mentioned here: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-cloudfront-content-uploads-post-put-other-methods/ CloudFront 支持 POST 内容上传,如下所述: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-cloudfront-content-uploads-post-put-other-methods/

Couple of issues using this -使用这个的几个问题 -

  1. I've enabled the settings as mentioned in the link above, but using Postman, I get 403我已经启用了上面链接中提到的设置,但是使用 Postman,我得到 403
  2. Even if I make it work, what will be the 'secure' way to upload files using CloudFront so that only authenticated users are able to upload to it.即使我让它工作,使用 CloudFront 上传文件的“安全”方式将是什么,以便只有经过身份验证的用户才能上传到它。

Please note that, am trying to create a mobile application, that uses the above config as its backend.请注意,我正在尝试创建一个使用上述配置作为其后端的移动应用程序。 So, users on the mobile app are already authenticated using OAuth with Google/Facebook etc providers.因此,移动应用程序上的用户已经使用 OAuth 与 Google/Facebook 等提供商进行了身份验证。

  1. Check the bucket's policy.检查存储桶的策略。 You must allow PutObject .您必须允许PutObject

  2. That's not really related to CloudFront or S3.这与 CloudFront 或 S3 并没有真正的关系。 Before the action of POST-ing the content, you need to validate that the user is properly authenticated and authorized to do such action.在发布内容之前,您需要验证用户是否经过适当的身份验证并获得执行此类操作的授权。

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