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Windows 10 Pro 上缺少活动目录 web 服务 (ADWS)

[英]Active directory web service (ADWS) is missing on Windows 10 Pro

I want to run below command on the Windows 10 Powershell but I am getting error:我想在 Windows 10 Powershell 上运行以下命令,但出现错误:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-ADUser -filter *
Get-ADUser: Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Services running. 

After googling error I got few links for starting the ADWS service.谷歌搜索错误后,我得到的启动 ADWS 服务的链接很少。
But I am not able to find any document/link to install the ADWS service on my Windows 10 Pro Laptop.但是我找不到任何文档/链接来在我的 Windows 10 Pro 笔记本电脑上安装 ADWS 服务。

I did try to find the instruction to install the ADWS but no instructions found.我确实试图找到安装 ADWS 的说明,但没有找到说明。
Can someone please point me to the steps to install the ADWS for Windows 10 Pro.谁能告诉我为 Windows 10 Pro 安装 ADWS 的步骤。

I have all the "RSAT" modules installed on my Laptop.我的笔记本电脑上安装了所有“RSAT”模块。

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name "RSAT*" | Add-WindowsCapability -Online

I have read below links:我已阅读以下链接:

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/services-hub/premier/health/remediation-steps-ad/configure-the-active-directory-web-services-adws-to-start-automatically-on-all-servers https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/services-hub/premier/health/remediation-steps-ad/configure-the-active-directory-web-services-adws-to-start-automatically-on-全服务器

https://social.tec.net.microsoft.com/Forums/Lync/en-US/b84c5dd6-cbf7-43ca-9a6a-5696360d3957/active-directory-web-service-not-available?forum=winserverDS https://social.tec.net.microsoft.com/Forums/Lync/en-US/b84c5dd6-cbf7-43ca-9a6a-5696360d3957/active-directory-web-service-not-available?forum=winserverDS

The Powershell ActiveDirectory examples that you find on the web usually assume you are using a PC thats on the domain, and you are logged into that PC as a domain user.您在 web 上找到的 Powershell ActiveDirectory 示例通常假设您正在使用域中的 PC,并且您以域用户身份登录到该 PC。 But often these days thats not the case.但现在情况往往并非如此。

These days people are often logged into their own PC as 'Joe' and connected via VPN to a company's domain, with the DC running in Azure somewhere.如今,人们经常以“Joe”的身份登录自己的 PC,并通过 VPN 连接到公司的域,DC 运行在 Azure 某处。

And when its like that, you have to tell the cmdlet where the DC is, and supply some credentials.如果是这样,您必须告诉 cmdlet DC 在哪里,并提供一些凭据。 So you do that like this:所以你这样做:

Get-ADUser -Server (name or IP address of DC) -Credential (Get-Credential) -filter *

The 'Get-Credential' bit will interactively ask you for credentials - you need to supply credentials for a user in the domain “Get-Credential”位将以交互方式询问您的凭据 - 您需要为域中的用户提供凭据

$Server = (nslookup $env:USERDNSDOMAIN)[0].split(' ')[2] $Server = (nslookup $env:USERDNSDOMAIN)[0].split(' ')[2]

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