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Active directory web service (ADWS) is missing on Windows 10 Pro

I want to run below command on the Windows 10 Powershell but I am getting error:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-ADUser -filter *
Get-ADUser: Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Services running. 

After googling error I got few links for starting the ADWS service.
But I am not able to find any document/link to install the ADWS service on my Windows 10 Pro Laptop.

I did try to find the instruction to install the ADWS but no instructions found.
Can someone please point me to the steps to install the ADWS for Windows 10 Pro.

I have all the "RSAT" modules installed on my Laptop.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name "RSAT*" | Add-WindowsCapability -Online

I have read below links:



The Powershell ActiveDirectory examples that you find on the web usually assume you are using a PC thats on the domain, and you are logged into that PC as a domain user. But often these days thats not the case.

These days people are often logged into their own PC as 'Joe' and connected via VPN to a company's domain, with the DC running in Azure somewhere.

And when its like that, you have to tell the cmdlet where the DC is, and supply some credentials. So you do that like this:

Get-ADUser -Server (name or IP address of DC) -Credential (Get-Credential) -filter *

The 'Get-Credential' bit will interactively ask you for credentials - you need to supply credentials for a user in the domain

$Server = (nslookup $env:USERDNSDOMAIN)[0].split(' ')[2]

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