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错误“非静态成员引用必须相对于特定的 object

[英]ERROR "nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object

#ifndef WORLD_H_
#define WORLD_H_
using namespace std;

class World{
    friend class DoodleBug;
    friend class Ant;
    friend class Organism;
    int GRID_SIZE;
    void Draw();  
    int global_get_ID(int x, int y);  
    Organism* get_Ptr(int x, int y);  
    void set_Ptr(int x, int y, Organism* newOrg);  
    void TimeStepForward();  
    Organism* grid[GRID_SIZE][GRID_SIZE];

In this.h file on line Organism* grid[GRID_SIZE][GRID_SIZE] I get this error: Error: a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object.Organism* grid[GRID_SIZE][GRID_SIZE]行的 this.h 文件中,我收到此错误:错误:非静态成员引用必须相对于特定的 object。

What does it mean and how can I fix this error?这是什么意思,我该如何解决这个错误?

The problem is that in standard C++, the size of an array must be a compile time constant .问题是在标准 C++ 中,数组的大小必须是编译时常量。 But since GRID_SIZE is a non-static data member, the expression GRID_SIZE inside the class is actually equivalent to the expression this->GRID_SIZE .但由于GRID_SIZE是非静态数据成员,因此 class 中的表达式GRID_SIZE实际上等同于表达式this->GRID_SIZE But the this pointer is more of a runtime construct and the expression this->Grid_SIZE is not a constant expression and cannot be used to specify the size of the array.但是this指针更像是一个运行时构造,表达式this->Grid_SIZE不是常量表达式,不能用于指定数组的大小。

To solve this you can make the data member GRID_SIZE a constexpr static as shown below:解决这个问题,您可以使数据成员GRID_SIZE成为constexpr static ,如下所示:

class World{
//--vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv--------------------------->constexpr static added here
    constexpr static int GRID_SIZE = 10;
    Organism* grid[GRID_SIZE][GRID_SIZE];

You can even use static const .您甚至可以使用static const

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