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使用 kubescape 扫描时,如何在 github 操作中获取“风险评分”output?

[英]How to get the "risk-score" output in github action when scanning with kubescape?

I'm wondering if it's possible to get the risk-score output from a kubescape scan?我想知道是否有可能从 kubescape 扫描中获得风险评分 output? I know that we can use the parameter "-t 25" in the command for github action, but I want to use a warning instead or returning an exit error if the risk-score is above the threshold value.我知道我们可以在 github 操作的命令中使用参数“-t 25”,但如果风险评分高于阈值,我想改为使用警告或返回退出错误。

Here is a quick overview of what I want to have:以下是我想要的内容的快速概述:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    #code for getting the risk-score output
      - name: check_comparaison_risk-score
        if: ${{ risk_output }} > 25
        run: echo "::warning ::Risk-score is above 25%"

You can propose another solution/alternative to it.您可以提出另一种解决方案/替代方案。

You should use the official Kubescape GitHub actions , and add the failedThreshold as shown in the inputs section:您应该使用官方的 Kubescape GitHub actions ,并添加failedThreshold ,如输入部分所示:

name: Kubescape scanning for misconfigurations
on: [push, pull_request]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - uses: kubescape/github-action@main
        format: sarif
        outputFile: results.sarif
        # # Optional: Specify the Kubescape cloud account ID
        # account: ${{secrets.KUBESCAPE_ACCOUNT}}
        # Fail when the risk-score is higher than X 
        failedThreshold: 25

    - name: Upload Kubescape scan results to Github Code Scanning
      uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
        sarif_file: results.sarif

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