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Quay Clair - 无法获得扫描容器图像的输出

[英]Quay Clair - Could not get an output on scanning the container images

I'm new to the container security concept.我是容器安全概念的新手。 I would like to find the vulnerabilities in the Container images using Quay Clair.我想使用 Quay Clair 查找容器镜像中的漏洞。

Note: I already tried the container vulnerability scanning using Anchore Engine(which is very straightforward);注意:我已经尝试过使用 Anchore Engine 进行容器漏洞扫描(非常简单); however, would like to do a comparison with Clair.不过,想和克莱尔做个比较。

My requirement is, scan the docker images available in my local docker environment using Clair.我的要求是,使用 Clair 扫描我本地 docker 环境中可用的 docker 镜像。 I just tried with the following Clair concepts, but could not get any outputs.. sometimes errors.我只是尝试了以下 Clair 概念,但无法获得任何输出......有时会出错。

-- Using Clair-Scanner CLI -- 使用 Clair-Scanner CLI

Github link - https://github.com/arminc/clair-scanner Github 链接 - https://github.com/arminc/clair-scanner

When I run the scan by using the below command getting an error.当我使用以下命令运行扫描时出现错误。

clair-scanner --ip YOUR_LOCAL_IP alpine:3.5


HOST_IP=$(ip -4 addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
clair-scanner --ip {HOST_IP} alpine:3.5

getting an error:得到一个错误:

2021/07/13 08:30:05 [CRIT] ▶ Could not analyze layer: POST to Clair failed Post dial tcp connect: connection refused

Could someone please help me on how to fix this issue.有人可以帮助我解决这个问题。

I also tried with "Analyze Local Images" CLI;我也尝试过“分析本地图像”CLI; since it is deprecated by Clair, I could not go further.由于克莱尔已弃用它,因此我无法更进一步。

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

I ran the Clair-Scanner CLI in Linux, it's working fine;我在 Linux 中运行了 Clair-Scanner CLI,它运行良好; not sure why the issue is only with Windows.不知道为什么这个问题只出现在 Windows 上。

For Reference to run the clair-scanner in Linux machine.参考在 Linux 机器上运行 clair-scanner。 Please follow this link.请点击此链接。 https://github.com/arminc/clair-scanner https://github.com/arminc/clair-scanner


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