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获取每个分组的唯一元素并写入 Pandas Python 中的列

[英]Get unique elements for each grouping and write to column in Pandas Python

I have a data frame like so:我有一个像这样的数据框:


year ip   type
2020 101  Missing
2021 101  Type 1
2022 101  Type 2
2020 102  Missing
2021 102  Missing
2020 103  Missing
2021 103  Type 2
2021 104  Type 1
2022 104  Type 2
2022 104  Type 2

How can I convert my data frame to the following:如何将我的数据框转换为以下内容:

Expected Output:预期输出:

ip  type
101 Missing/Type 1/Type 2
102 Missing
103 Missing/Type 2
104 Type 1/Type 2

Where I get all unique types for each IP.我在哪里获得每个 IP 的所有唯一类型。 How can I do this in python pandas?我怎样才能在 python pandas 中做到这一点?

In your case do drop_duplicates before groupby.agg在你的情况下,在drop_duplicates之前做groupby.agg

out = df.drop_duplicates(['ip','type']).groupby('ip')['type'].agg('/'.join).reset_index()
    ip                 type
0  101  Missing/Type1/Type2
1  102              Missing
2  103        Missing/Type2
3  104          Type1/Type2

You can try drop_duplicates then agg您可以尝试drop_duplicates然后agg

out = df.drop_duplicates(['ip', 'type']).groupby('ip', as_index=False).agg('/'.join)

    ip                   type
0  101  Missing/Type 1/Type 2
1  102                Missing
2  103         Missing/Type 2
3  104          Type 1/Type 2

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