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输入 CLI 命令后保持脚本运行

[英]Keep script running after entering a CLI command

I'm working on a CLI for my project.我正在为我的项目开发 CLI。 I want it to work in a way similar to an interpreter.我希望它以类似于解释器的方式工作。 For example, once I initialise, I can proceed with other commands.例如,一旦我初始化,我可以继续执行其他命令。

Consider a sandbox examble:考虑一个沙盒示例:

import typer

app = typer.Typer()

def init():
    global x
    x = 5

def print_():

if __name__ == "__main__":

This works if I replace app() with init(); print_()如果我将app()替换为init(); print_()这将有效init(); print_() . init(); print_() However, if I use a CLI (in my case it is Windows Command Prompt), the script terminates after the first command, so after script init (let the script be named as script.py ) I cannot run script print- as the variable x is not defined anymore.但是,如果我使用 CLI(在我的情况下是 Windows 命令提示符),脚本会在第一个命令之后终止,因此在script init之后(让脚本命名为script.py )我无法运行script print-作为变量x不再定义。

How can I make it work?我怎样才能让它工作? Is it possible for a CLI to keep script running and waiting for further commands? CLI 是否可以保持脚本运行并等待进一步的命令? Other instruments apart from typer can also be put forward.也可以提出除typer以外的其他工具。

Anything you save in a Python variable will be forgotten when that Python process exits.当 Python 进程退出时,您保存在 Python 变量中的任何内容都将被遗忘。

You should probably implement a simple REPL and get rid of the command-line arguments.您可能应该实现一个简单的 REPL 并摆脱命令行参数。

commands = {}
x = 5

def _print(*args):

commands["print"] = _print

def _set(*args):
    global x
    x = int(*args[0])

commands["set"] = _set

def repl():
    while True:
        raw_input = input("> ").split()
        command = raw_input[0]
        args = raw_input[1:]
        except KeyError:
            print(f"syntax error: {command}")
        # should probably handle exception from _set somehow too

if __name__ == "__main__":

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