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必须解决或恢复过时的文件。 但我没有未解决的文件

[英]Out of date files must be resolved or reverted. But I have no unresolved files

So I resolved all files.所以我解决了所有文件。 No shown/known conflicts reported but I still can't submit.没有显示/已知的冲突报告,但我仍然无法提交。 Also looks like its trying to do a 223 revision but I see no 222 revision in history only 221.看起来它也在尝试进行 223 修订,但我看到历史上没有 222 修订只有 221。

What do I need to do to submit?我需要做什么才能提交? using P4V Client app.使用 P4V 客户端应用程序。

Look at the full error message.查看完整的错误消息。 It should be in P4V's log pane, but if you can't find it, go to the command line and retry the submit.它应该在 P4V 的日志窗格中,但如果找不到,请转到命令行并重试提交。 The individual file that has a problem should be listed.应该列出有问题的单个文件。

In some edge cases, there may be a file that is out of date but can't be resolved, so it must be reverted;在某些极端情况下,可能存在文件已过期但无法解析,因此必须将其还原; if this is the case, the error mesage for that particular file will say so, and will explain why.如果是这种情况,该特定文件的错误消息会这样说,并解释原因。

Seems like I had one file which was being picked up as new but already existed in repo.好像我有一个文件作为新文件被拾取,但已经存在于 repo 中。 I narrowed down to the file by submitting files in chucks/one by one until I hit the file that was causing the error.我通过逐个提交文件来缩小文件范围,直到找到导致错误的文件。

So I could submit all but one file and to fix the issue file I reverted the file and made sure it deleted it when I reverted (Note you may not want this and may not have to do that, revert may be fine).因此,我可以提交除一个文件以外的所有文件并修复问题文件,我恢复了文件并确保在恢复时将其删除(请注意,您可能不希望这样做,也可能不必这样做,恢复可能没问题)。

Turn on extra log pane options (2 tick boxes) In Edit -> Preferences -> Logging to see the offending files listed in the Log on submit, revert those files and you should be right.打开额外的日志窗格选项(2 个勾选框)在 Edit -> Preferences -> Logging 中查看在 Log on submit 中列出的有问题的文件,还原这些文件,你应该是对的。

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