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我怎么能提到应该在 Python 中返回父类的任何子类?

[英]How can I mention there should return any child of parent class in Python?

class Element:
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self

class Button(Element):

class TextBox(Element):

def some_func(element: Element) -> Element:
    return element()


Pycharm mentions "Expected type 'Element', got 'Type[Button]' instead ". Pycharm 提到“预期类型 'Element',得到了 'Type[Button]' ”。 Is there any proper way to get type of the return as parent of all it's children?是否有任何适当的方法可以将返回类型作为所有孩子的父母?

I use Type[Element].我使用类型 [元素]。 It seems works fine.它似乎工作正常。 But my friend told me that it means an instance of the class but not the class itself.但我的朋友告诉我,这意味着类的一个实例,而不是类本身。 Seems like right answer is some_func(element: t.Type[_T]) -> _T , where _T = t.TypeVar('_T', bound='Element') and import typing as t was performed.似乎正确的答案是some_func(element: t.Type[_T]) -> _T ,其中_T = t.TypeVar('_T', bound='Element')import typing as t But it's not very readable, so I prefer use Type[Element].但它的可读性不是很好,所以我更喜欢使用 Type[Element]。 Thank you all!谢谢你们! And especialy thanks to SUTerliakov.特别感谢 SUTerliakov。

x: Element means that x is an instance of the Element class. x: Element表示xElement类的一个实例。

Use type[Element] when you mean to pass a subclass of Element .当您要传递 Element 的子类时,请使用type[Element] Element

def some_func(element: type[Element]) -> Element:
    return element()


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