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如何恢复在 azure 文件共享中意外删除的特定文件

[英]How to recover the specific file which got accidentally deleted in azure file share

在 azure storage adls gen2 上仅恢复 Azure 文件共享中已删除文件的确切过程是什么

ADLS Gen2 now supports soft delete feature which allows you to retain the deleted file share for atleast 7 days which you can increase as per your requirement. ADLS Gen2 现在支持软删除功能,允许您将已删除的文件共享保留至少 7 天,您可以根据需要增加。

When you click on the Show deleted shares you will be able to see the deleted shares in your storage account.当您单击显示已删除的共享时,您将能够在您的存储帐户中看到已删除的共享。

Click on the 3 dots on the right side of the share which has been deleted and click in Undelete option.单击已删除的共享右侧的3 个点,然后单击“取消删除”选项。


You can also restore a entire file share or a specific files from a restore point created by Azure Backup.你还可以从 Azure 备份创建的还原点还原整个文件共享或特定文件。 Refer Restore Azure file shares to know more.请参阅还原 Azure 文件共享以了解更多信息。


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