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对于具有相同扩展名(在同一文件夹中)的不同文件,我可以有不同的 MIME 类型映射吗?

[英]Can I have different MIME type mappings for different files with the same extension (in the same folder)?


I'm configuring MIMEs for static files as usual, something like this (and that works fine, keep reading so you get to the actual question):我像往常一样为静态文件配置 MIME,如下所示(效果很好,请继续阅读,以便您了解实际问题):

var defaultStaticFileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(webHostEnvironment.ContentRootPath, "content"));
var contentTypeProvider = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider();            
var defaultStaticFilesRequestPath = "/content";
// This serves static files from the 'content' directory.
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
    FileProvider = defaultStaticFileProvider,
    ServeUnknownFileTypes = false,
    RequestPath = defaultStaticFilesRequestPath,
    ContentTypeProvider = contentTypeProvider

The previous code is mapping the .json extension to application/json by default.前面的代码默认将.json扩展名映射到application/json Works fine.工作正常。


What I want is to change that mapping to application/manifest+json but only for one file: manifest.json我想要的是将该映射更改为application/manifest+json但仅限于一个文件:manifest.json

So, I tried to add another configuration like this (not working):所以,我尝试添加另一个这样的配置(不工作):

// Add custom options for manifest.json only.
var manifestContentTypeProvider = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider();
manifestContentTypeProvider.Mappings.Add(".json", "application/manifest+json");
var manifestStaticFileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(webHostEnvironment.ContentRootPath, "content/en/app"));
var manifestStaticFileRequestPath = "/content/en/app/manifest.json";
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
    FileProvider = manifestStaticFileProvider,
    ServeUnknownFileTypes = false,
    RequestPath = manifestStaticFileRequestPath,
    ContentTypeProvider = manifestContentTypeProvider

Just to clarify, I have added the above code right after the previous one.为了澄清起见,我在前一个代码之后添加了上面的代码。

Hope the question is clear enough, I'll be checking for comments proposing editing tips to make it better anyways.希望问题足够清楚,我将检查提出编辑技巧的评论,以使其更好。

The StaticFileOptions class has an OnPrepareResponse property to which you can assign an Action in order to change the HTTP response headers. StaticFileOptions类有一个OnPrepareResponse属性,您可以为其分配一个Action以更改 HTTP 响应标头。

From the documentation文档

Called after the status code and headers have been set, but before the body has been written.在设置状态码和标头之后,但在写入正文之前调用。 This can be used to add or change the response headers.这可用于添加或更改响应标头。

In that Action you check for the manifest.json file and set/change the content-type header accordingly.在该Action中,您检查manifest.json文件并相应地设置/更改content-type标头。 That action has an StaticFileResponseContext input argument with access to the HttpContext and File .该操作有一个StaticFileResponseContext输入参数,可以访问HttpContextFile

var options = new StaticFileOptions
    OnPrepareResponse = staticFileResponseContext =>
        var httpContext = staticFileResponseContext.Context;

        // Request path check:
        if (httpContext.Request.Path.Equals("/content/en/app/manifest.json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        // or file name only check via: 
        // if (staticFileResponseContext.File.Name.Equals("manifest.json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            httpContext.Response.ContentType = "application/manifest+json"
    // Your other custom configuration
    FileProvider = defaultStaticFileProvider,
    ServeUnknownFileTypes = false,
    RequestPath = defaultStaticFilesRequestPath


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