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Visual Studio 2022 发布菜单中没有 ftp 菜单。 如何通过 ftp 发布?

[英]There is no ftp menu in Visual Studio 2022 publish menu. How can I publish via ftp?

I'm trying to create an app via C# WPF and deploy it as an ftp server.我正在尝试通过 C# WPF 创建一个应用程序并将其部署为 ftp 服务器。 And this is my development environment.这是我的开发环境。

C#(WPF), Visual Studio Community 2022, .NET 6.0 C#(WPF)、Visual Studio 社区 2022、.NET 6.0

I went into the properties of the solution as it says on the internet.正如互联网上所说,我进入了解决方案的属性。 And when I go to posting, the ftp menu is not visible.当我去发帖时,ftp 菜单是不可见的。 Is there no way I can distribute the app via ftp?有没有办法通过 ftp 分发应用程序?


For Wpf application publish list will be as you can see.对于 Wpf 应用程序发布列表将如您所见。 FTP/FTPS server options will be lost. FTP/FTPS 服务器选项将丢失。

You can create an ASP.NET Core Web App to check it out.您可以创建一个ASP.NET Core Web 应用程序来检查它。


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