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Visual Studio 2022 WinForm 发布文件夹

[英]Visual studio 2022 WinForm publish folder

i have created a WinForm application and i tried to publish it but i have many questions about this publish process.我创建了一个 WinForm 应用程序并尝试发布它,但我对这个发布过程有很多疑问。

  1. Why does Visual studio create the app folder in C:\Users\'Username'\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0?为什么Visual Studio会在C:\Users\'用户名'\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0中创建app文件夹?

  2. Is there a way install the app.exe in another folder such as "ProgramFiles"?有没有办法将 app.exe 安装在另一个文件夹中,例如“ProgramFiles”?

  3. How does this publish thing really work, is there a documentation about it?这个发布的东西到底是如何工作的,有没有关于它的文档?

  4. What is the AppName.application file that is created after publishing?发布后创建的 AppName.application 文件是什么?

I am worried about this because i want to create a Themes folder and i don't want the app folder to be so deep into the folder tree.我很担心这一点,因为我想创建一个 Themes 文件夹,我不希望 app 文件夹在文件夹树中太深。

The app folder in C:\Users'Username'\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0 is a system folder, it is used to hold temporary data for.Net Framework apps installed on your PC. C:\Users'用户名'\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0中的app文件夹是一个系统文件夹,用于存放PC上安装的.Net Framework应用程序的临时数据。 you have nothing to worry about with that folder.您不必担心该文件夹。 . . . .

You can install the.exe and publish the solution in the folders that you want, you can do it by using ClickOnce deployment to a folder.您可以安装 .exe 并将解决方案发布到您想要的文件夹中,您可以通过使用 ClickOnce 部署到文件夹来实现。

Here is a Microsoft documentation how to use it. 是 Microsoft 文档如何使用它。


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