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c# 通用 Windows 控制台应用程序,相机错误“必须初始化此 object...”

[英]c# Universal Windows console App, Camera error "This object must be initialised... "

When I start debugging a Universal Windows console application and initialise the camera I get the following error.当我开始调试通用 Windows 控制台应用程序并初始化相机时,出现以下错误。

When excute this line: (I execute it in Program.Main )执行此行时:(我在 Program.Main 中执行)

await mediaCapture.InitializeAsync(captureInitSettings);

See error: "This object must be initialised in order to perform the requested operation."请参阅错误:“必须初始化此 object 才能执行请求的操作。”

When I use a normal Universal Windows application it works correctly but in console show error..当我使用普通的 Universal Windows 应用程序时,它可以正常工作,但在控制台中显示错误..

Here I have 2 questions.在这里我有两个问题。

Why do I get an error in the console app?为什么我在控制台应用程序中收到错误消息?


In case of not being able to use a console application, could I use a normal Universal Windows application by passing parameters to it or will it give me an error in a linux because it does not have a graphical interface?如果无法使用控制台应用程序,我可以通过向它传递参数来使用普通的通用 Windows 应用程序,还是因为它没有图形界面而在 linux 中给我一个错误?

Why do I get an error in the console app?为什么我在控制台应用程序中收到错误消息?

This behavior is expected, the InitializeAsync should be called from the main UI thread of your app.此行为是预期的,应从应用的主 UI 线程调用InitializeAsync So you can't call it from a console application.所以你不能从控制台应用程序调用它。

could I use a normal Universal Windows application by passing parameters to it or will it give me an error in a linux because it does not have a graphical interface?我可以通过向它传递参数来使用普通的通用 Windows 应用程序,还是因为它没有图形界面而在 linux 中给我一个错误?

No, you can't run a normal UWP in linux without a graphical interface.不行,没有图形界面你不能在linux中运行一个正常的UWP。

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