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[英]Error in vector of struct with implemented Functions

I get the Erro:我得到错误:

"no instance of constructor "std::vector<_Ty, _Alloc>::vector 
 [with _Ty=FunctionToUpdate, _Alloc=std::allocator<FunctionToUpdate>]" matches the argument list" 

No matter how I change it, it persists, as long I keep it as a class.无论我如何更改它,它都会持续存在,只要我将其保留为一个类。 If I keep it all in just a simple .cpp without class and header, it all resolves easily.如果我将它全部保存在一个没有类和标题的简单.cpp中,那么一切都很容易解决。 My.h:我的.h:

#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

struct Params
    std::vector<int> Integers;
    std::vector<std::string> Strings;

struct FunctionToUpdate
    int Version;
    std::function<void(int, Params)> Function;
    Params Parameters;

class Error
    void testFunctionA(int a, Params p);
    void testFunctionB(int a, Params p);
    const static std::vector<FunctionToUpdate> table;

Here is my .cpp , please assist me, I can't find the error:这是我的.cpp ,请帮助我,我找不到错误:

#include "ErrorHandling.h"

    for (auto functionToUpdate : table)
        functionToUpdate.Function(functionToUpdate.Version, functionToUpdate.Parameters);
        std::cout << "############################################" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Done!" << std::endl;

void Error::testFunctionA(int a, Params parameter)
    //std::cout << "Size Integers: " << parameter.Integers.size() << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "Size Strings: " << parameter.Strings.size() << std::endl;

    std::cout << a << std::endl;

    for (auto& integer : parameter.Integers)
        std::cout << integer << std::endl;
    for (auto& integer : parameter.Strings)
        std::cout << integer << std::endl;

void Error::testFunctionB(int a, Params parameter)
    std::cout << a << std::endl;
    std::cout << parameter.Integers.at(0) << std::endl;

const std::vector<FunctionToUpdate> Error::table
{                                                       // <-- here the Error happens
    { 100, &testFunctionA, { {177}}},
    { 1948, &testFunctionB, { {314}}},

int main()
    Error error;

Your code has a few issues您的代码有一些问题

  1. First, the correct initialization of static member Error::table would be as follows:首先,静态成员Error::table的正确初始化如下:

     const std::vector<FunctionToUpdate> Error::table { { 100, &Error::testFunctionA, { { {177} }, { {"string"} } }}, { 1948, &Error::testFunctionB, { { {314} }, { {"string"} } } } };

    Note that the syntax &Error::testFunctionA for addressing the member function pointer.请注意语法&Error::testFunctionA用于寻址成员函数指针。 Additionally, the Params has two vectors.此外, Params有两个向量。 One is std::vector<int> and the other is std::vector<std::string> .一个是std::vector<int> ,另一个是std::vector<std::string> In your code, the std::vector<std::string> has not been mentioned.在您的代码中,没有提到std::vector<std::string>

  1. In FunctionToUpdate the member function pointer type is wrong.FunctionToUpdate中,成员函数指针类型错误。 Using typed member function pointer , you could使用类型化成员函数指针,您可以

    // forward declaration class Error; // member function pointer type using ErrorFunType = void(Error::*)(int, Params); struct FunctionToUpdate { int Version; ErrorFunType Function; Params Parameters; };
  2. Secondly, the call to pointer to the member function in Error::Error() is wrong.其次,在Error::Error()中对指向成员函数的指针的调用是错误的。 It needs an ( Error class) instance to call with . 它需要一个( Error类)实例来调用 For example:例如:

     for (auto functionToUpdate : table) { (this->*functionToUpdate.Function)( functionToUpdate.Version, functionToUpdate.Parameters ); // or more generic `std::invoke` (since c++17) // std::invoke(functionToUpdate.Function // , this, functionToUpdate.Version // , functionToUpdate.Parameters); // ... }

The above changes will make, your code compiles again !上述更改将进行,您的代码再次编译

In case of wondering, how to handle the pointer to member function with std::function , (one way) to wrap the instance to call the member along with the std::function type.如果想知道,如何使用std::function处理指向成员函数的指针,(一种方法)包装实例以调用成员以及std::function类型。

Following is the example:以下是示例:

// forward declaration
class Error;
// member function pointer
using ErrorFunType = std::function<void(Error*, int, Params)>;

struct FunctionToUpdate
    int Version;
    ErrorFunType Function;
    Params Parameters;

now in Error::Error()现在在Error::Error()

    for (auto functionToUpdate : table)
            , functionToUpdate.Version, functionToUpdate.Parameters);

See a demo查看演示

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