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[英]how to censor data point labels (annotations) if label text overlaps in the plot when using ggraph

I am attempting to plot some data using ggraph .我正在尝试使用ggraph绘制一些数据。 The style is a circular partition plot.样式为circular partition图。 I have numerous plots/graphs.我有很多图/图表。 Each has a different density of dendritic branching.每个都具有不同密度的树枝状分支。 Nodes on the graph are labeled with geom_node_text(aes(label = labelText)) .图上的节点用geom_node_text(aes(label = labelText)) I know I can use scaling or text size to adjust effective font point.我知道我可以使用缩放或文本大小来调整有效字体点。 However, I would like to hold font point constant and just censor labels (ie, assign label value to be something like " " ) for dense regions of each graph, given some density threshold parameter.但是,在给定一些密度阈值参数的情况下,我想保持字体点不变并且只检查每个图形的密集区域的标签(即,将标签值分配为类似于" " )。 How could this be done?怎么可能做到这一点? For instance, is there a way to extract the x, y coordinates of text labels such that a density function can be computed over the plot area?例如,有没有办法提取文本标签的x, y坐标,以便可以在绘图区域上计算密度函数?

This falls under the heading of RTFM .这属于RTFM的标题。

If TRUE, text that overlaps previous text in the same layer will not be plotted.如果为 TRUE,则不会绘制与同一层中先前文本重叠的文本。 check_overlap happens at draw time and in the order of the data. check_overlap 发生在绘制时间和数据的顺序。 Therefore data should be arranged by the label column before calling geom_label() or geom_text().因此,在调用 geom_label() 或 geom_text() 之前,应按标签列排列数据。

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