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如何在 Apache Tika 2.4.0 中启用调试日志

[英]How to enable debug logs in Apache Tika 2.4.0

Want to enable debug logs in Apache tika container.想要在 Apache tika 容器中启用调试日志。 Tried following Tika config configuration through tika-config.xml, but do not see any debug logs getting printed.尝试通过 tika-config.xml 遵循 Tika 配置配置,但没有看到打印任何调试日志。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

There's a file log4j2.xml in the jar file, edit that one and put it back. jar 文件中有一个文件log4j2.xml ,编辑该文件并将其放回去。

Alternatively, make your own, and use it with或者,自己制作,并与


when starting the server.启动服务器时。

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