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使用 CommunityToolkit.Mvvm 处理可观察对象属性

[英]Handling observable object properties with CommunityToolkit.Mvvm

How do we handle properties that are objects themselves using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm ?我们如何使用CommunityToolkit.Mvvm处理本身就是对象的属性?

I understand that I can simply use [ObservableProperty] attribute with simple properties eg data type of string , int , etc.我知道我可以简单地使用具有简单属性的[ObservableProperty]属性,例如stringint等数据类型。

How do we handle properties that are POCO objects and need to be observable?我们如何处理POCO对象且需要可观察的属性?

Here's an example:这是一个例子:

public partial class MyViewModel : ObservableObject
   string title;

   decimal price;

   Person author; // How do we handle this property that is a Person object?

I understand that source generators in CommunityToolkit.Mvvm will automatically handle creation of Title and Price public properties.我了解CommunityToolkit.Mvvm中的源生成器将自动处理TitlePrice公共属性的创建。 What about author ? author呢?

Do we use [ObservableProperty] attribute to make complex properties observable, such as the author property in the above example which is a Person object?我们是否使用[ObservableProperty]属性来使复杂的属性可观察,例如上面示例中的author属性是一个Person对象?

Here are multiple scenarios:这里有多个场景:

The entire Person object gets replaced整个 Person 对象被替换

If you only ever replace the entire Person object and don't change its individual properties (you might select a different person from a list) all you need is to decorate the author field with the ObservablePropertyAttribute .如果您只替换整个 Person 对象并且不更改其各个属性(您可能会从列表中选择不同的人),那么您只需要使用ObservablePropertyAttribute装饰author字段。

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

public partial class MyViewModel : ObservableObject
   string title;

   decimal price;

   Person author;

This change will be reflected in the UI:此更改将反映在 UI 中:

Author = anotherPerson;

and this one will NOT:这个不会:

Author.FirstName = "James";

Individial Person properties get changed个人 Person 属性已更改

If you plan to change the persons individial properties, but keep the instance the same, you need to decorate the individual properties of the Person object with the ObservablePropertyAttribute .如果您打算更改 Person 的各个属性,但保持实例相同,则需要使用ObservablePropertyAttribute装饰Person对象的各个属性。

public class Person : ObservableObject
    string firstName;

    string lastName;

public partial class MyViewModel : ObservableObject
   string title;

   decimal price;

   public Person Author { get; } = new Person();

This change will be reflected in the UI:此更改将反映在 UI 中:

Author.FirstName = "James";

and this one will NOT:这个不会:

Author = anotherPerson;

Or both或两者

Or do both and get the UI to reflect any changes, be it changing an individual property or the entire object instance.或者两者都做,让 UI 反映任何更改,无论是更改单个属性还是整个对象实例。

public class Person : ObservableObject
    string firstName;

    string lastName;

public partial class MyViewModel : ObservableObject
   string title;

   decimal price;

   Person author;

Any of these changes will be reflected in the UI:这些更改中的任何一个都将反映在 UI 中:

Author = anotherPerson;
Author.FirstName = "James";


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