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无法在使用 CommunityToolkit.Mvvm 的视图模型中使用 ICommand 属性

[英]Can't use ICommand attribute in view model using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm

In my view models, I wanted to use the source generators in CommunityToolkit.Mvvm but for some reason I can't seem to use [ICommand] attribute with my action methods.在我的视图模型中,我想在 CommunityToolkit.Mvvm 中使用源生成器,但由于某种原因,我似乎无法将[ICommand]属性与我的操作方法一起使用。

The error I get is:我得到的错误是:

Cannot apply attribute class 'ICommand' because it is abstract无法应用属性类“ICommand”,因为它是抽象的

Here's the base class for my view model model.这是我的视图模型模型的基类。

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;

namespace MyApp.ViewModels
    public partial class BaseViewModel : ObservableObject
        bool isBusy = false;

        string title = string.Empty;

And here's my view model class:这是我的视图模型类:

public class MyViewModel : BaseViewModel
   string firstName;

   string lastName;

   [ICommand] // <-- This is where I get the error I mentioned above
   async Task DoSomething()
       // Do something here...

The problem seems to be what @Luca Clavarino mentioned in the comments:问题似乎是@Luca Clavarino 在评论中提到的:

Perhaps you're accidentally using the ICommand interface from System.Windows.Input,instead of the ICommandAttribute from the CommunityTookit.也许您不小心使用了 System.Windows.Input 中的 ICommand 接口,而不是 CommunityTookit 中的ICommandAttribute Try to replace [ICommand] with [CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input.ICommand] and see if that was the case.尝试将[ICommand]替换为[CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input.ICommand]并查看是否是这种情况。

And I think I know why this might be happening to you.我想我知道为什么这会发生在你身上。 The ICommandAttribute seems to be missing in CommunityToolkit.Mvvm 8.0.0-preview4 so intellisense won't offer the using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input statement and instead offers using System.Windows.Input; CommunityToolkit.Mvvm 8.0.0-preview4 中似乎缺少ICommandAttribute因此智能感知不会提供using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input语句,而是提供using System.Windows.Input; . .

The problem can be resolved by downgrading to CommunityToolkit.Mvvm 8.0.0-preview3 , that version works fine for me.该问题可以通过降级到 CommunityToolkit.Mvvm 8.0.0-preview3来解决,该版本对我来说很好。

Here's a working sample (using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm 8.0.0-preview3).这是一个工作示例(使用 CommunityToolkit.Mvvm 8.0.0-preview3)。

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;

namespace MyApp.ViewModels
    public partial class BaseViewModel : ObservableObject
        bool isBusy = false;

        string title = string.Empty;

    public partial class MyViewModel : BaseViewModel
        string firstName;

        string lastName;

        [ICommand] //works in 8.0.0-preview3
        async Task DoSomething()
            // Do something here...

I've also noticed that while the ICommandAttribute is gone in 8.0.0-preview4, there's a RelayCommandAttribute instead .我还注意到,虽然ICommandAttribute在 8.0.0-preview4 中消失了,但有一个RelayCommandAttribute代替 Maybe they've simply renamed it.也许他们只是简单地重命名了它。

Using the RelayCommandAttribute instead of ICommandAttribute in 8.0.0-preview4 seems to be working.在 8.0.0-preview4 中使用RelayCommandAttribute而不是ICommandAttribute似乎有效。

[RelayCommand] //works in 8.0.0-preview4
async Task DoSomething()
    // Do something here...


Yes, they've renamed the ICommandAttribute to RelayCommandAttribute .是的,他们已将ICommandAttribute重命名为RelayCommandAttribute It's metioned in the breaking changes section of the 8.0.0-preview4 release notes .它在8.0.0-preview4 发行说明的重大更改部分中提到。


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