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查找 R 表对象的平均值

[英]Finding the average of R table object

Other questions using "table" in their title are actually using data frame.在标题中使用“表格”的其他问题实际上是在使用数据框。

I want to keep this strictly about table object .我想严格遵守table object

Suppose I have tables with same structure that I want to find the average of.假设我有结构相同的表,我想找到它的平均值。

For example:例如:

test1 <- head(table(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Species))

(test1 + test1 + test1) / 3

> (test1 + test1 + test1) / 3
      setosa versicolor virginica
  4.3      1          0         0
  4.4      3          0         0
  4.5      1          0         0
  4.6      4          0         0
  4.7      2          0         0
  4.8      5          0         0

However, it cannot be done by:但是,它不能通过以下方式完成:

> mean(c(test1,test1,test1))
[1] 0.8888889
> sum(c(test1,test1,test1)) / 3
[1] 16

Best approach I could find was to make the objects into a list of tables and use Reduce function:我能找到的最佳方法是将对象放入表列表并使用Reduce函数:

Reduce(`+`, list(test1, test1, test1)) / 3

Is there more simpler way to do it without going back and forth using list object?有没有更简单的方法可以做到这一点,而无需使用list对象来回切换?

We may loop over the array in the 1st two dimensions and get the mean我们可以遍历第一个二维的array并得到mean

apply(replicate(3, test1), 1:2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)

-output -输出

       setosa versicolor virginica
  4.3      1          0         0
  4.4      3          0         0
  4.5      1          0         0
  4.6      4          0         0
  4.7      2          0         0
  4.8      5          0         0

Or loop over a single dimension and get the rowMeans/colMeans或遍历单个维度并获取rowMeans/colMeans

apply(replicate(3, test1), 2, rowMeans, na.rm = TRUE)
      setosa versicolor virginica
  4.3      1          0         0
  4.4      3          0         0
  4.5      1          0         0
  4.6      4          0         0
  4.7      2          0         0
  4.8      5          0         0

Both these methods are better than the Reduce approach with + especially when there are missing values as na.rm argument is found in both mean and rowMeans/colMeans这两种方法都比使用+Reduce方法更好,尤其是当在meanrowMeans/colMeans中都发现na.rm参数时存在缺失值时

NOTE: replicate is used to create an array by replicating the object 'test1' n times.注意: replicate用于通过复制对象“test1” n次来创建array

If the object is already a list of table s, then convert to array with simplify2array before applying the apply如果对象已经是tablelist ,则在应用apply之前使用simplify2array转换为array

apply(simplify2array(list(test1, test1, test1)), 1:2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
      setosa versicolor virginica
  4.3      1          0         0
  4.4      3          0         0
  4.5      1          0         0
  4.6      4          0         0
  4.7      2          0         0
  4.8      5          0         0

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