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Sikuli - IDE 中的文本显示不正确

[英]Sikuli - text not shown correct in IDE

I am usin Sikuli for the first Time.我是第一次使用 Sikuli。 I downloaded Sikuli ide 2.0.4, and jython into the same folder.我将 Sikuli ide 2.0.4 和 jython 下载到同一个文件夹中。 after running sikuli IDE and writing a text (eg click()) the text is shown wrong: image_Text_wrong运行 sikuli IDE 并编写文本(例如 click())后,文本显示错误: image_Text_wrong

Did anyone else already had this issue as well?其他人也有这个问题吗? How can I fix this issue?我该如何解决这个问题?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

for the ones who have the same problem:对于有同样问题的人:

you can change the fonts in "Preferences" and "text Editing".您可以在“首选项”和“文本编辑”中更改字体。 Somehow it choosed a wrong font by default in my case.在我的情况下,默认情况下它以某种方式选择了错误的字体。

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