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[英]How to extract values based on column header in excel?

I have an excel file containing values, I needed values as the highlighted one in single column and deleting the rest on.我有一个包含值的 excel 文件,我需要值作为单列中突出显示的值,并删除其余的值。 But due to mismatch in rows and column header file, I am not able to extract.但由于行和列标题文件不匹配,我无法提取。 Once you will see the excel will able to understand what values I needed.As this is just a sample of mine data.一旦您看到 excel 将能够理解我需要什么值。因为这只是我的数据示例。

  1. Column A2:A17 date is continuous but few date are repeating, but in Row (D1:K1) date are not repeating, so in this case value of same date occurring just below of of one other.列 A2:A17 日期是连续的,但很少有日期重复,但在行 (D1:K1) 中日期不重复,因此在这种情况下,同一日期的值恰好位于另一个日期的下方。
  2. How to get values in one column?如何在一列中获取值?
  3. Is there a way to highlight the values of same date occurring in row and column?有没有办法突出显示行和列中出现的相同日期的值? The sample data consist of manually highlighted.样本数据包括手动突出显示。 I have huge dataset that cannot be manually highlighted.我有无法手动突出显示的巨大数据集。
  4. Because from colour code also I can get the required values too.因为从颜色代码中我也可以获得所需的值。

Following is the file I am attaching here以下是我在此处附加的文件

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-xBMKRP1_toA_Ky8mKxCKAFi4uQ8YWJq/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110042758694954349181&rtpof=true&sd=true https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-xBMKRP1_toA_Ky8mKxCKAFi4uQ8YWJq/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110042758694954349181&rtpof=true&sd=true

Please visit the link and help me to find the solution.请访问链接并帮助我找到解决方案。

Thank you谢谢

I'm not clear what those values in columns D to K are.我不清楚 D 到 K 列中的这些值是什么。

If only the shaded ones matter and they can be derived from the Latitude and Longitude for each row separately:如果只有阴影部分很重要,并且它们可以分别从每一行的纬度和经度导出:

Insert a column titled "Row", say in A, and populate it 1,2,3... I think you also want a column E which is whatever the calculation you currently have in DK.在 A 中插入一个标题为“Row”的列,然后将其填充为 1、2、3... Is this "Distance"?这是“距离”吗?

Then create a Pivot Table on rows A to E and you can do anything you are likely to need: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-a-pivottable-to-analyze-worksheet-data-a9a84538-bfe9-40a9-a8e9-f99134456576 Dates at Colum Labels, Row numbers as Row Labels, and Sum of "Distance" as Values.然后在 A 到 E 行上创建一个数据透视表,您可以执行您可能需要的任何操作:https: //support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-a-pivottable-to-analyze-worksheet-data -a9a84538-bfe9-40a9-a8e9-f99134456576列标签处的日期,行号作为行标签,“距离”之和作为值。

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