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[英]What is the difference between True and msoTrue in VBA?

I am working on a model with some VBA code that hides/shows shapes:我正在研究一个带有一些隐藏/显示形状的 VBA 代码的模型:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("shape1").Visible = msoTrue

A previous developer used msoTrue throughout the model instead of True which is what I have typically used in this type of application.以前的开发人员在整个模型中使用 msoTrue,而不是我在此类应用程序中通常使用的 True。

I am trying to understand the difference between True and msoTrue, and wonder if I should be using one or the other.我试图了解 True 和 msoTrue 之间的区别,并想知道我是否应该使用其中一个。 I know that both equal -1.我知道两者都等于-1。

msoTrue is a constant that evaluates to -1. msoTrue是一个计算结果为 -1 的常数。 In VBA it would be a Long type.在 VBA 中,它将是Long类型。

True is a Boolean type. TrueBoolean类型。 When converted to a Long it also evaluates to -1.当转换为Long时,它的计算结果也为 -1。

Try this:尝试这个:

Debug.Print msoTrue '---> -1
Debug.Print True '---> True
Debug.Print Clng(True) '---> -1

It is somewhat odd to use msoTrue instead of True in a condition test, but -1, msoTrue and True will all be a true condition.在条件测试中使用msoTrue而不是True有点奇怪,但是 -1、 msoTrueTrue都将是一个真实的条件。

I should add that the Visibility property of the Shape object isn't a Boolean type, it's a Long of the enum msoTriState .我应该补充一点, Shape对象的Visibility属性不是Boolean类型,它是枚举msoTriStateLong If your question relates specifically, and only, to Shapes , then, yes, the more correct syntax would be msoTrue .如果您的问题具体且仅与Shapes相关,那么,是的,更正确的语法是msoTrue

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