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[英]How do I re-position an axes for a re-positioned bar chart mark?

I need to create a visualization that contains multiple marks, namely 2 bar charts side by side.我需要创建一个包含多个标记的可视化,即并排的 2 个条形图。 I need them to be in the same vega spec, not 2 separate vega specs.我需要它们采用相同的 vega 规格,而不是 2 个单独的 vega 规格。

After much research and a decent amount of trial and error, I discovered you can move the chart into position by setting the "range" property of the scales, but this moves only the chart series objects (ie the bars) but not the Axes.经过大量研究和大量试验和错误后,我发现您可以通过设置刻度的“范围”属性将图表移动到位,但这仅移动图表系列对象(即条形图)而不移动轴。 The Axes for some reason stay stuck to the far edges of the visualization canvas.由于某种原因,轴停留在可视化画布的远端。 How can I get them to move with the visualization?我怎样才能让他们随着可视化移动?

I tried placing the chart into a "Group" mark, as the description suggested this would act as a separate Vega spec, however the contained bar chart wasn't contained at all as the axes continued to sit on the outer edges of the root parent.我尝试将图表放入“组”标记中,因为描述表明这将作为单独的 Vega 规范,但是包含的条形图根本不包含,因为轴继续位于根父级的外边缘.

Is this a bug or am I going about this the wrong way?这是一个错误还是我以错误的方式解决这个问题?

This is how it looks:这是它的外观: 它看起来如何

This is what I need it to look like:这就是我需要它的样子: 我需要的

The following is an example Vega spec showing the behavior described:以下是一个示例 Vega 规范,显示了所描述的行为:

  "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
  "description": "A basic bar chart example, with value labels shown upon mouse hover.",
  "width": 700,
  "height": 500,
  "autosize": "pad",

  "data": [
      "name": "table",
      "values": [
        {"category": "A", "amount": 28},
        {"category": "B", "amount": 55},
        {"category": "C", "amount": 43},
        {"category": "D", "amount": 91},
        {"category": "E", "amount": 81},
        {"category": "F", "amount": 53},
        {"category": "G", "amount": 19},
        {"category": "H", "amount": 87}

  "signals": [
      "name": "tooltip",
      "value": {},
      "on": [
        {"events": "rect:mouseover", "update": "datum"},
        {"events": "rect:mouseout",  "update": "{}"}

  "scales": [
      "name": "xscale",
      "type": "band",
      "domain": {"data": "table", "field": "category"},
      "range": [400 , 800],
      "padding": 0.05,
      "round": true
      "name": "yscale",
      "domain": {"data": "table", "field": "amount"},
      "nice": true,
      "range": [300 , 100]

  "axes": [
    { "orient": "bottom", "scale": "xscale" },
    { "orient": "left", "scale": "yscale" }

  "marks": [
      "type": "rect",
      "from": {"data":"table"},
      "encode": {
        "enter": {
          "x": {"scale": "xscale", "field": "category"},
          "width": {"scale": "xscale", "band": 1},
          "y": {"scale": "yscale", "field": "amount"},
          "y2": {"scale": "yscale", "value": 0}
        "update": {
          "fill": {"value": "steelblue"}
        "hover": {
          "fill": {"value": "red"}
      "type": "text",
      "encode": {
        "enter": {
          "align": {"value": "center"},
          "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
          "fill": {"value": "#333"}
        "update": {
          "x": {"scale": "xscale", "signal": "tooltip.category", "band": 0.5},
          "y": {"scale": "yscale", "signal": "tooltip.amount", "offset": -2},
          "text": {"signal": "tooltip.amount"},
          "fillOpacity": [
            {"test": "datum === tooltip", "value": 0},
            {"value": 1}

Use the padding property.使用填充属性。 Don't forget to close the github issue if this is what you want.如果这是您想要的,请不要忘记关闭 github 问题。

Editor 编辑


  "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
  "description": "A basic bar chart example, with value labels shown upon mouse hover.",
  "width": 400,
  "height": 200,
  "padding": {"left": 400, "top": 50, "right": 5, "bottom": 5}, 

  "data": [
      "name": "table",
      "values": [
        {"category": "A", "amount": 28},
        {"category": "B", "amount": 55},
        {"category": "C", "amount": 43},
        {"category": "D", "amount": 91},
        {"category": "E", "amount": 81},
        {"category": "F", "amount": 53},
        {"category": "G", "amount": 19},
        {"category": "H", "amount": 87}

  "signals": [
      "name": "tooltip",
      "value": {},
      "on": [
        {"events": "rect:mouseover", "update": "datum"},
        {"events": "rect:mouseout",  "update": "{}"}

  "scales": [
      "name": "xscale",
      "type": "band",
      "domain": {"data": "table", "field": "category"},
      "range": "width",
      "padding": 0.05,
      "round": true
      "name": "yscale",
      "domain": {"data": "table", "field": "amount"},
      "nice": true,
      "range": "height"

  "axes": [
    { "orient": "bottom", "scale": "xscale" },
    { "orient": "left", "scale": "yscale" }

  "marks": [
      "type": "rect",
      "from": {"data":"table"},
      "encode": {
        "enter": {
          "x": {"scale": "xscale", "field": "category"},
          "width": {"scale": "xscale", "band": 1},
          "y": {"scale": "yscale", "field": "amount"},
          "y2": {"scale": "yscale", "value": 0}
        "update": {
          "fill": {"value": "steelblue"}
        "hover": {
          "fill": {"value": "red"}
      "type": "text",
      "encode": {
        "enter": {
          "align": {"value": "center"},
          "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
          "fill": {"value": "#333"}
        "update": {
          "x": {"scale": "xscale", "signal": "tooltip.category", "band": 0.5},
          "y": {"scale": "yscale", "signal": "tooltip.amount", "offset": -2},
          "text": {"signal": "tooltip.amount"},
          "fillOpacity": [
            {"test": "datum === tooltip", "value": 0},
            {"value": 1}

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