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如何在 Visual Studio 2022 调试中删除下载的源代码,即外部源

[英]How to remove downloaded source code aka External Sources in Visual Studio 2022 Debugging

I accidentally enabled downloading open source code.我不小心启用了下载开源代码。

I've disabled the "all modules" option in Tools > Options > Debugging > Symbols.我在工具 > 选项 > 调试 > 符号中禁用了“所有模块”选项。

Now I want to know how to remove the symbols I've already downloaded?现在我想知道如何删除我已经下载的符号?


Things I've tried我尝试过的事情

. . Enable / disable Just my code启用/禁用只是我的代码

. . Enable / disable source server support启用/禁用源服务器支持

. . Enable / disable Source link support启用/禁用源链接支持

. . Load only specified modules仅加载指定的模块

. . Empty Symbol Cache空符号缓存

. . Empty %LocalAppData%\SourceServer空 %LocalAppData%\SourceServer

. . Clean solution清洁溶液

. . Delete .vs folder for solution删除 .vs 文件夹以获取解决方案

. . Restart machine重启机器

. . Restart VS2022重启VS2022

I found a way to turn External Sources off我找到了一种关闭外部源的方法


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