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即使数组不为空且 state 不是 null,列表也不会呈现

[英]List not rendering even when the array is not empty and the state is not null

I am trying to retrieve Game names from firestore and display in a list on the page.我正在尝试从 firestore 检索游戏名称并显示在页面的列表中。 For this I am using a component GameList(to display the names retrieved) and Home(to fetch and pass the retrieved data to GameList component).为此,我使用了一个组件 GameList(用于显示检索到的名称)和 Home(用于获取检索到的数据并将其传递给 GameList 组件)。

Here is my code: Home.js:-这是我的代码:Home.js:-

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { personalDatabaseFirestore } from '../firebase/personalConfig';
import GameList from './GameList';
import './Home.css'

export default function Home(){

const [data, setData] = useState(null);


    const ref = personalDatabaseFirestore.collection('Games');
    let results = []

    const unsub = ref.onSnapshot((snapshot)=>{
        snapshot.docs.forEach((doc) => {
            results.push({...doc.data(), id: doc.id});
    return ()=>unsub();


return (
    <div className='mainpage-container'>
        {data && <GameList games={data}/>}

} }

GameList.js:- GameList.js:-

export default function GameList({games}){
  console.log('game list recieved\n', games);
  return (
                  return (<li key={doc.id}>{doc.name}</li>);

Console screenshot shows that i am able to retrieve the data successfully from firestore and am able to pass it to GameList component too.控制台屏幕截图显示我能够从 firestore 成功检索数据并且也能够将其传递给 GameList 组件。 But then after logging out the information in gameList component it is not rendering the list that it is supposed to return.但是在注销 gameList 组件中的信息后,它不会呈现它应该返回的列表。


The onSnapshot() returns data asynchronously so you should use setData within it. onSnapshot()异步返回数据,因此您应该在其中使用setData That'll also ensure any data updates received later are also rendered.这也将确保稍后收到的任何数据更新也被呈现。 Try refactoring the code as shown below:尝试重构代码,如下所示:

useEffect(() => {
  const ref = personalDatabaseFirestore.collection('Games');
  const unsub = ref.onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
    const results = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => ({ id: doc.id, ...doc.data() }))
  return () => unsub();
}, []);

If you need to fetch data only once, then I'd recommend using get() instead of onSnapshot :如果您只需要获取一次数据,那么我建议使用get()而不是onSnapshot

useEffect(() => {
  const ref = personalDatabaseFirestore.collection('Games');

  const fetchData = async () => {
    const snapshot = await ref.get();
    const results = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => ({
      id: doc.id,
}, []);

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