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Github Org 自定义域

[英]Github Org custom domain

I have a GitHub pages website and I want redirect it to custom domain.我有一个 GitHub pages 网站,我想将其重定向到自定义域。 I have added Custom domain in the GitHub pages and A records in the Domain provider and am trying to add CNAME it is not accepting the CNAME: which is https://org-name.github.io/website/我在 GitHub 页面中添加了自定义域,并在域提供程序中添加了 A 记录,并且正在尝试添加 CNAME,它不接受 CNAME:即https://org-name.github.io/website/

If its a simple repository then I can simply customize the domain by simply pointing it to the CNAME.如果它是一个简单的存储库,那么我可以通过简单地将域指向 CNAME 来简单地自定义域。 But Repository Should in the Organization.it is a repository in the GitHub Org and I don't want to create a separate repository.但是 Repository 应该在 Organization.it 中是 GitHub Org 中的一个存储库,我不想创建一个单独的存储库。

我得到了解决方案如果我们用 org-github.io 指向 CNAME,它将起作用。

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