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Ruby On Rails 在创建时不重定向

[英]Ruby On Rails Not Redirecting On Create

I am creating a website that allows you to schedule events, when creating a new event it is added successfully to the database and the console will output that it's redirected to view the event, however no redirect seems to ever occur.我正在创建一个允许您安排事件的网站,当创建一个新事件时,它会成功添加到数据库中,并且控制台将输出它被重定向以查看事件,但是似乎没有发生重定向。 I've tried removing the respond_to do |format|我试过删除 respond_to do |format| and rewriting it, however that didn't change anything.并重写它,但这并没有改变任何东西。 Neither did rewriting the redirect to redirect_to.也没有将重定向重写为redirect_to。

Console output控制台输出

rails_1    |   Event Create (0.8ms)  INSERT INTO `events` (`username`, `date_made`, `date_for`, `title`, `attendees`, `owner_id`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `description`, `is_all_day`, `color`, `text_color`) VALUES ('screamingatrocks@proton.me', '2022-06-26 21:12:17', '2022-06-08 00:00:00', '', x'', 13, '2022-06-26 21:12:42.625491', '2022-06-26 21:12:42.625491', '', FALSE, '#000000', '#000000')
rails_1    |   ↳ app/controllers/events_controller.rb:30:in `block in create'
rails_1    |   PublicActivity::Activity Create (0.8ms)  INSERT INTO `activities` (`trackable_type`, `trackable_id`, `key`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('Event', 35, 'event.create', '2022-06-26 21:12:42', '2022-06-26 21:12:42')
rails_1    |   ↳ app/controllers/events_controller.rb:30:in `block in create'
rails_1    |   TRANSACTION (12.1ms)  COMMIT
rails_1    |   ↳ app/controllers/events_controller.rb:30:in `block in create'
rails_1    | Redirected to https://localhost/events/35
rails_1    | Completed 200 OK in 43ms (ActiveRecord: 15.2ms | Allocations: 5294)

Events Controller事件控制器

  # POST /events or /events.json
  def create
    @event = Event.new(event_params)

    respond_to do |format|
      if @event.save
        format.html { redirect_to @event, notice: "Event was successfully created." }
        format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @event }
        format.html { render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity }
        format.json { render json: @event.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }


 <%= form_with(model: event) do |form| %>
 <div class="actions">
    <%= form.submit %>

If you are using turbo, you need to return status 303 to turbo know that you want to redirect, so you need to add status: :see_other to redirect_to如果使用的是turbo,需要返回status 303给turbo才知道要重定向,所以需要在redirect_to中加上status: :see_other

format.html { redirect_to @event, notice: "Event was successfully created.", status: :see_other }


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