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Istio Pod 没有出现

[英]Istio Pods Not Coming Up

I have Installed Istio-1.8.3 via Rancher UI long back and Istio Pods and我很久以前就通过 Rancher UI 和 Istio Pods 安装了 Istio-1.8.3 和

Ingress Gateway Pods are Up and Running and My Application is getting served by Istio. Ingress Gateway Pod 已启动并正在运行,并且 Istio 正在为我的应用程序提供服务。

Now, Recently We have Upgraded the K8's Cluster version from 1.21 to 1.22 and then 1.22 to 1.23.现在,最近我们将 K8 的 Cluster 版本从 1.21 升级到 1.22,然后从 1.22 升级到 1.23。

Once We restart the kubelet, Istio Pods used to come up with No Issues.一旦我们重新启动 kubelet,Istio Pods 就会出现 No Issues。

Now, Because of few Issues We have rebooted the Node and Istio Pods got restarted, They are in Running State but Readiness Probe is getting failed.现在,由于一些问题,我们重新启动了节点,并且 Istio Pod 重新启动,它们处于运行状态,但就绪探测失败。

The Error I was able to find is我能找到的错误是

failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource

Below are the full logs of Istio Pod.以下是 Istio Pod 的完整日志。

 stream logs failed container "discovery" in pod "istiod-5fbc9568cd-qgqkk" is waiting to start: ContainerCreating for istio-system/istiod-5fbc9568cd-qgqkk (discovery) 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772949Z info FLAG: --log_rotate_max_age="30" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772952Z info FLAG: --log_rotate_max_backups="1000" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772955Z info FLAG: --log_rotate_max_size="104857600" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772958Z info FLAG: --log_stacktrace_level="default:none" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772963Z info FLAG: --log_target="[stdout]" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772971Z info FLAG: --mcpInitialConnWindowSize="1048576" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772974Z info FLAG: --mcpInitialWindowSize="1048576" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772977Z info FLAG: --mcpMaxMsgSize="4194304" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772980Z info FLAG: --meshConfig="./etc/istio/config/mesh" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772982Z info FLAG: --monitoringAddr=":15014" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772985Z info FLAG: --namespace="istio-system" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772988Z info FLAG: --networksConfig="/etc/istio/config/meshNetworks" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772999Z info FLAG: --plugins="[authn,authz,health]" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773002Z info FLAG: --profile="true" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773005Z info FLAG: --registries="[Kubernetes]" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773008Z info FLAG: --resync="1m0s" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773011Z info FLAG: --secureGRPCAddr=":15012" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773013Z info FLAG: --tlsCertFile="" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773016Z info FLAG: --tlsKeyFile="" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773018Z info FLAG: --trust-domain="" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.801976Z info klog Config not found: /var/run/secrets/remote/config[] 2022-06-27T05:35:32.803516Z info initializing mesh configuration ./etc/istio/config/mesh 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804499Z info mesh configuration: { "proxyListenPort": 15001, "connectTimeout": "10s", "protocolDetectionTimeout": "0s", "ingressClass": "istio", "ingressService": "istio-ingressgateway", "ingressControllerMode": "STRICT", "enableTracing": true, "defaultConfig": { "configPath": "./etc/istio/proxy", "binaryPath": "/usr/local/bin/envoy", "serviceCluster": "istio-proxy", "drainDuration": "45s", "parentShutdownDuration": "60s", "discoveryAddress": "istiod.istio-system.svc:15012", "proxyAdminPort": 15000, "controlPlaneAuthPolicy": "MUTUAL_TLS", "statNameLength": 189, "concurrency": 2, "tracing": { "zipkin": { "address": "zipkin.istio-system:9411" } }, "envoyAccessLogService": { }, "envoyMetricsService": { }, "proxyMetadata": { "DNS_AGENT": "" }, "statusPort": 15020, "terminationDrainDuration": "5s" }, "outboundTrafficPolicy": { "mode": "ALLOW_ANY" }, "enableAutoMtls": true, "trustDomain": "cluster.local", "trustDomainAliases": [ ], "defaultServiceExportTo": [ "*" ], "defaultVirtualServiceExportTo": [ "*" ], "defaultDestinationRuleExportTo": [ "*" ], "rootNamespace": "istio-system", "localityLbSetting": { "enabled": true }, "dnsRefreshRate": "5s", "certificates": [ ], "thriftConfig": { }, "serviceSettings": [ ], "enablePrometheusMerge": true } 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804516Z info version: 1.8.3-e282a1f927086cc046b967f0171840e238a9aa8c-Clean 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804699Z info flags: 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804706Z info initializing mesh networks 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804877Z info mesh networks configuration: { "networks": { } } 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804938Z info initializing mesh handlers 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804949Z info initializing controllers 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804952Z info No certificates specified, skipping K8S DNS certificate controller 2022-06-27T05:35:32.814002Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:35:33.816596Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:35:35.819157Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:35:39.821510Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:35:47.823675Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:36:03.827023Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:36:35.829441Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:37:35.831758Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource

Upgrading Istio Pilot and Istio Ingress Gateway from 1.8.3 to 1.10.2 will work.将 Istio Pilot 和 Istio Ingress Gateway 从 1.8.3 升级到 1.10.2 即可。

https://github.com/istio/istio/issues/34665 https://github.com/istio/istio/issues/34665

Istio version 1.8.x is too old version for kubernetes 1.23. Istio 1.8.x 版本对于 Kubernetes 1.23 来说太旧了。 You can refer istio documentation for k8s and istio combinations support and upgrade istio您可以参考 istio文档了解 k8s 和 istio 组合支持和升级 istio

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