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Istio Pod 没有出现

[英]Istio Pods Not Coming Up

我很久以前就通过 Rancher UI 和 Istio Pods 安装了 Istio-1.8.3 和

Ingress Gateway Pod 已启动并正在运行,并且 Istio 正在为我的应用程序提供服务。

现在,最近我们将 K8 的 Cluster 版本从 1.21 升级到 1.22,然后从 1.22 升级到 1.23。

一旦我们重新启动 kubelet,Istio Pods 就会出现 No Issues。

现在,由于一些问题,我们重新启动了节点,并且 Istio Pod 重新启动,它们处于运行状态,但就绪探测失败。


failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource

以下是 Istio Pod 的完整日志。

 stream logs failed container "discovery" in pod "istiod-5fbc9568cd-qgqkk" is waiting to start: ContainerCreating for istio-system/istiod-5fbc9568cd-qgqkk (discovery) 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772949Z info FLAG: --log_rotate_max_age="30" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772952Z info FLAG: --log_rotate_max_backups="1000" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772955Z info FLAG: --log_rotate_max_size="104857600" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772958Z info FLAG: --log_stacktrace_level="default:none" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772963Z info FLAG: --log_target="[stdout]" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772971Z info FLAG: --mcpInitialConnWindowSize="1048576" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772974Z info FLAG: --mcpInitialWindowSize="1048576" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772977Z info FLAG: --mcpMaxMsgSize="4194304" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772980Z info FLAG: --meshConfig="./etc/istio/config/mesh" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772982Z info FLAG: --monitoringAddr=":15014" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772985Z info FLAG: --namespace="istio-system" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772988Z info FLAG: --networksConfig="/etc/istio/config/meshNetworks" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.772999Z info FLAG: --plugins="[authn,authz,health]" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773002Z info FLAG: --profile="true" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773005Z info FLAG: --registries="[Kubernetes]" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773008Z info FLAG: --resync="1m0s" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773011Z info FLAG: --secureGRPCAddr=":15012" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773013Z info FLAG: --tlsCertFile="" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773016Z info FLAG: --tlsKeyFile="" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.773018Z info FLAG: --trust-domain="" 2022-06-27T05:35:32.801976Z info klog Config not found: /var/run/secrets/remote/config[] 2022-06-27T05:35:32.803516Z info initializing mesh configuration ./etc/istio/config/mesh 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804499Z info mesh configuration: { "proxyListenPort": 15001, "connectTimeout": "10s", "protocolDetectionTimeout": "0s", "ingressClass": "istio", "ingressService": "istio-ingressgateway", "ingressControllerMode": "STRICT", "enableTracing": true, "defaultConfig": { "configPath": "./etc/istio/proxy", "binaryPath": "/usr/local/bin/envoy", "serviceCluster": "istio-proxy", "drainDuration": "45s", "parentShutdownDuration": "60s", "discoveryAddress": "istiod.istio-system.svc:15012", "proxyAdminPort": 15000, "controlPlaneAuthPolicy": "MUTUAL_TLS", "statNameLength": 189, "concurrency": 2, "tracing": { "zipkin": { "address": "zipkin.istio-system:9411" } }, "envoyAccessLogService": { }, "envoyMetricsService": { }, "proxyMetadata": { "DNS_AGENT": "" }, "statusPort": 15020, "terminationDrainDuration": "5s" }, "outboundTrafficPolicy": { "mode": "ALLOW_ANY" }, "enableAutoMtls": true, "trustDomain": "cluster.local", "trustDomainAliases": [ ], "defaultServiceExportTo": [ "*" ], "defaultVirtualServiceExportTo": [ "*" ], "defaultDestinationRuleExportTo": [ "*" ], "rootNamespace": "istio-system", "localityLbSetting": { "enabled": true }, "dnsRefreshRate": "5s", "certificates": [ ], "thriftConfig": { }, "serviceSettings": [ ], "enablePrometheusMerge": true } 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804516Z info version: 1.8.3-e282a1f927086cc046b967f0171840e238a9aa8c-Clean 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804699Z info flags: 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804706Z info initializing mesh networks 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804877Z info mesh networks configuration: { "networks": { } } 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804938Z info initializing mesh handlers 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804949Z info initializing controllers 2022-06-27T05:35:32.804952Z info No certificates specified, skipping K8S DNS certificate controller 2022-06-27T05:35:32.814002Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:35:33.816596Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:35:35.819157Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:35:39.821510Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:35:47.823675Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:36:03.827023Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:36:35.829441Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource 2022-06-27T05:37:35.831758Z error kube failed to list CRDs: the server could not find the requested resource

将 Istio Pilot 和 Istio Ingress Gateway 从 1.8.3 升级到 1.10.2 即可。


Istio 1.8.x 版本对于 Kubernetes 1.23 来说太旧了。 您可以参考 istio文档了解 k8s 和 istio 组合支持和升级 istio


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