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使用opencv python将图像转换为黑白蒙版

[英]Convert an image to black and white mask using opencv python

I have a transparent background image and i want to color all transparent region as black and rest of region as white.我有一个透明的背景图像,我想将所有透明区域着色为黑色,将其余区域着色为白色。

imgage = cv2.imread("imgage.png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
trans_mask = image[:,:,3] == 255
image[trans_mask] = [255, 255, 255, 255]

The output i got it.我得到它的输出。 I got inside area to fill white and outside area to fill black.我在内部区域填充白色,在外部区域填充黑色。 Any suggestion任何建议

在此处输入图像描述 Original input原始输入在此处输入图像描述

The simplest way to do this is starting out with a fully-black image and filling in just the area with positive alpha:最简单的方法是从全黑图像开始,并仅用正 alpha 填充区域:

res = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], np.uint8) # black by default
colored_areas = image[...,3] > 0
res[colored_areas] = 255

You say:你说:

i want to color all transparent region as black and rest of region as white.我想将所有透明区域着色为黑色,将其余区域着色为白色。

So this should satisfy your request:所以这应该满足您的要求:


and you get that from this simple code:你可以从这个简单的代码中得到:


Just apply imwrite or imshow + waitKey (or matplotlib) to see the data.只需应用imwriteimshow + waitKey (或 matplotlib)即可查看数据。

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