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在不使用第三方库的情况下将 JsonArray 转换为正确格式的 csv 文件

[英]Convert JsonArray to to csv file in right format without using third party library

My dependency which is not third party我的依赖不是第三方



JSon array test JSON数组测试


I am able to parse/ write into the a create a csv file but the issue is it is not in the right format in my csv file.我能够解析/写入创建 csv 文件,但问题是它在我的 csv 文件中的格式不正确。

public static void writeFilteredJsonToNewFile(JsonArray jsonArray) {
try {

    for (Object object : jsonArray) {
        JsonObject obj = (JsonObject) object;
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        JsonWriter jsonWriter = Json.createWriter(writer);

        FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(diretory + name + ".csv");
        BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter);
        System.out.println("Created new File!");
} catch (IOException e) {

} }



Expected result (table format) in a csv file csv 文件中的预期结果(表格格式)

name姓名 value价值 date日期
aondx aondx 40 40 1999-01-09T14:30:53Z 1999-01-09T14:30:53Z
    If my understanding is correct, you want to convert the json into csv file but while writing to csv you are getting key value in each row instead of key in the first row and then value in the subsequent rows.
    I think if you follow below steps then you will able to achieve this:
    1) First convert your Json into the List<Map<String,String>> using below code
    >  ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    >     List<Map<String, Object>> datas = mapper.readValue(jsonArray.toString(), new
    > TypeReference<List<Map<String, Object>>>(){});
    2) Find the keys from the json, which will be used as your column, assuming all the data having same keys.
    >  Set<String> columns = datas.get(0).keySet(); write columns as the
    > first row in the csv file.
    3) Iterate over the datas list and start writing the value row wise.

As you mentioned in the comment you doesn't not want to use the external library then instead of ObjectMapper you can use your JsonArray.正如您在评论中提到的,您不想使用外部库而不是 ObjectMapper,您可以使用您的 JsonArray。

  1. Instead of converting your json Array to List<Map<String,String>> and getting the keys you can do the same thing with JsonObject only as it implement Map only.而不是将您的 json Array 转换为 List<Map<String,String>> 并获取密钥,您可以仅对 JsonObject 执行相同的操作,因为它仅实现 Map。

     Set<String> columns = jsonArray.get(0).keySet(); this code should be before you are starting the loop.
  2. Inside the loop you are iterating over the jsonArray, there read the value .在循环内,您正在遍历 jsonArray,读取 value 。

 Set<String> columns = jsonArray.get(0).keySet(); for (Object object : jsonArray) { JsonObject obj = (JsonObject) object; List<String> dataRows = new ArrayList(); for(String column : columns ) { String value = (String)obj.get(column); dataRows.add(value); } ....... // write the value to file ....... }

If you are Interested in full solution, you can try this.如果您对完整解决方案感兴趣,可以试试这个。

 public static void writeFilteredJsonToNewFile(JsonArray jsonArray) { List<List<String>> allDatas = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> columns = jsonArray.get(0).keySet(); allDatas.add(new ArrayList<>(columns)); for (Object object : jsonArray) { JsonObject obj = (JsonObject) object; List<String> dataRows = new ArrayList(); for(String column : columns ) { String value = (String)obj.get(column); dataRows.add(value); } allDatas.add(dataRows); } writeToCsvFile(allDatas,",","test-file.csv"); } public void writeToCsvFile(List<List<String>> thingsToWrite, String separator, String fileName){ try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(fileName)){ for (List<String> strings : thingsToWrite) { for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) { writer.append(strings[i]); if(i < (strings.length-1)) writer.append(separator); } writer.append(System.lineSeparator()); } writer.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

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