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从 STEP 到 SolidWorks 零件的转换 - 以编程方式

[英]STEP to SolidWorks Part Conversion - Programatically

Are there any reference implementations on how to convert a STEP file to a SolidWorks Part file - I came across this one https://www.engineering.com/tutorials/importing-a-step-file-solidworks/ to convert a SolidWorks part to STEP file but not the otherway around.是否有关于如何将 STEP 文件转换为 SolidWorks 零件文件的参考实施 - 我遇到了这个https://www.engineering.com/tutorials/importing-a-step-file-solidworks/来转换 SolidWorks 零件到 STEP 文件,但不是相反。 Please share if you have any inputs on this.如果您对此有任何意见,请分享。

Solidworks will open a STEP file and recognize the geometry as a 'dumb' solid body, meaning the feature tree will be empty. Solidworks 将打开一个 STEP 文件并将几何体识别为“哑”实体,这意味着特征树将为空。 This is enough for most use cases.这对于大多数用例来说已经足够了。 Here's an example from the Solidworks API help. 这是Solidworks API 帮助中的示例。

If you are specifically asking about creating the feature tree, thats called feature translation.如果您特别询问有关创建特征树的问题,则称为特征翻译。 Software does exist, but its limited, and many implementations are custom.软件确实存在,但它是有限的,而且许多实现都是定制的。

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